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Why did Trump mulligan the Knife Juggler?

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Why did Trump mulligan the Juggler at 9:07 ? I find that later in games it's more about hero power + top decking or playing 1/2 minions while juggling early could be useful with the minions that you get from the deck until you use it (turn 2-3).

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1 hour ago, vaidab said:
Why did Trump mulligan the Juggler at 9:07 ? I find that later in games it's more about hero power + top decking or playing 1/2 minions while juggling early could be useful with the minions that you get from the deck until you use it (turn 2-3).

Given that the Hunter goes first, you have to remember what Trump's options are. He already has a solid play for turn 1 and 2. He has a choice of either Peddler or Juggler on turn 2. Given that the Hunter goes first, the Hunter will be able to immediately play Eaglehorn Bow, the easiest answer to Juggler. In reality, if he had kept Juggler and played it, he would have barely got any use from it.

It's better to save it and then play it with some of the other cards in his deck, such as Forbidden Ritual and Imp Gang Boss.

My opinion, at least in regards to this specific match.

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Thank you for the answer, it really makes sense now.

I'm learning the ins and outs of Zoo now and I found another thing that bothers me:

At 9:37 why is he using mortal coil on the 1/1 instead of the healing totem? If Shaman plays Feral Spirit, weapon, etc he is in a bad spot while killing the 1/1 doesn't win anything because it doesn't help killing the Juggler and the possessed villager doesn't die that easy.

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2 hours ago, vaidab said:

Thank you for the answer, it really makes sense now.

I'm learning the ins and outs of Zoo now and I found another thing that bothers me:

At 9:37 why is he using mortal coil on the 1/1 instead of the healing totem? If Shaman plays Feral Spirit, weapon, etc he is in a bad spot while killing the 1/1 doesn't win anything because it doesn't help killing the Juggler and the possessed villager doesn't die that easy.

He's playing Zoo (so he has a lot of small minions), the Healing Totem had nothing to heal, except itself while the 1/1 could have killed one of his minions. In particular, you want the Possessed Villaged to either live or leave its token behind, so that you have something on the board the next turn. With the 1/1 Totem left on the board, changes are higher that you'll be left with nothing the next turn.

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Not losing possessed villager is actually a big deal. 0/2 doesn't add anything to the board on its own since Zoo usually goes over the top while killing stuff, and doesn't do trades over multiple turns, so Healing is a nonfactor mostly.

Leaving a board position where your opponent has to add something to change it is a common practice. That's exactly the case.

Also watching Trump doesn't teach you the way playing the deck is. Especially when your deck is about basic interactions that can't be really written down in a guide or ever seen in 3rd person view. IMO.

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In the situation from the picture, with Ragnaros on board I played: Abusive on Abusive, killed Ragnaros with abusive and flame, played posessed villager on the left board and then summoned the tentacles.
This left me with: 1 Posessed, 1 Abusive, 1 Wolf, 5 tentables on board.

I won the game but I'm still wondering if there was a better play.

My opponent could have had another lightning or a taunt.

Is there a better play?

One option would have been to use Power Overwhelming + abusive on Flame Juggler, kill Ragnaros and play Possessed Villager.
This would have left me with: 1 Abusive, Posessed, Wolf, Abusive on board.

On another note, on his twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trumpsc/v/69777385 I was watching him play Zoo and at 25:24 he is playing Forbidden Ritual. I would have played the wolf + pillager as the ghoul/whirlind wouldn't have cleared the board.  What am I missing? If he had a weapon I would still be left with 1 minion..

good move tentacles.png

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On 4.6.2016 at 10:47 PM, vaidab said:

In the situation from the picture, with Ragnaros on board I played: Abusive on Abusive, killed Ragnaros with abusive and flame, played posessed villager on the left board and then summoned the tentacles.
This left me with: 1 Posessed, 1 Abusive, 1 Wolf, 5 tentables on board.

I won the game but I'm still wondering if there was a better play.

My opponent could have had another lightning or a taunt.

Is there a better play?

One option would have been to use Power Overwhelming + abusive on Flame Juggler, kill Ragnaros and play Possessed Villager.
This would have left me with: 1 Abusive, Posessed, Wolf, Abusive on board.

On another note, on his twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trumpsc/v/69777385 I was watching him play Zoo and at 25:24 he is playing Forbidden Ritual. I would have played the wolf + pillager as the ghoul/whirlind wouldn't have cleared the board.  What am I missing? If he had a weapon I would still be left with 1 minion..

good move tentacles.png

I think I would've cleared Ragnaros the same way, but kept the ritual as the board was still threatening enough, so it wasn't needed to go all-in there. As you mentioned, If he played a second lightning storm it could've cost you the game.

When it comes to Trumps decision: As a Zoo player you want as much value from your wolf as possible, so you don't just play it as a free to kill minion without any value in the turn you play it. And you need to play the ritual at one point anyways and risk any whirlwind effect. So to get real value from the wolf (as Trump was able to get to clear the taunt) it is totally right to play it earlier.
I mean it was not the nicest turn anyways, but he chose the least bad option imho.

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