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Combat Rogue in WOD

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Before this expac I was always towards the top of the DPS list in raids, but now other classes are passing me even with obviously lower gear levels. Am I missing something or did Blizz alter the combat rogue drastically? I have followed the new guides, doesn't seem to be helping much.


Phaed (despondent combat rogue)


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Before this expac I was always towards the top of the DPS list in raids, but now other classes are passing me even with obviously lower gear levels. Am I missing something or did Blizz alter the combat rogue drastically? I have followed the new guides, doesn't seem to be helping much.


Phaed (despondent combat rogue)



I played Combat during MoP - I'm no pro on it and I may be wrong - but Combat damage comes from white swings and Sinister Strikes. Haste contributes enormously (that word exists?) for that, due to ASpd nature of it and Energy regen out of AR. In WoD, Haste got gutted really bad, and that ends up hindering your: a) ASpd; b­) Energy Regen, which leads to c) less Sinister Strikes, which leads to d) less DI windows, where lies the real deeps.


In the end, you lose quite a bit of damage because of your less spammy nature now.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Edited by lipsinch

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Nah you're pretty much right on the money, Lip. But that really only means that Combat isn't broken as shit like it was late MoP, not that it's bad now.


Rogues aren't top of the charts anymore, but they're not awful by any means. Middle of the pack all around, with Assassination falling behind on all fights except Ko'ragh. Combat is pretty strong on Twins, and Sub is solid all over

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So if that is accurate is the Combat rogue DOA unless Blizz decides to fix us? Would really like to hear from other rogues that have been experiencing the same thing or am I off base?

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Carn. Quick question refeering to the combat guide. Why does it advice to refresh SnD with 10 sec remaining? Shouldn't be optimally be refreshed with 0.1 sec left?

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It stacks with the remaining duration on the previous application now. Up to 30% of the duration, meaning:


36s SnD ---30%--> about 10s.


If you 5cp SnD into your 10s SnD you end up with a 46s SnD.

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