A Look at the 2022 Ashes of Creation Desert Biome Showcase vs. Now

A recent Reddit post from user “Individual_Stand_986” has started an interesting discussion in the Ashes of Creation community, comparing the Sandsquall Desert from its 2022 showcase to its current in-game version. The post includes side-by-side screenshots that show rather big changes, and as expected, players have some strong opinions about them.

What’s Different?

  • Azmaran Looks Simpler Now
    In the 2022 showcase, Azmaran had a much more intricate layout. Now, the city design feels a bit more simple, and some players think it has lost some of its earlier charm. On the other hand, it might just be that this is part of the natural evolution of the game as Intrepid refines the world.
  • The Serpent Structure’s Purpose Changed
    Remember that massive serpent-shaped structure that looked like it could be a dungeon entrance? Turns out, it is now just a scenic element near the Sunhaven node. Some players were hoping for a more interactive role for this landmark, so we will have to see if it gets updated in the future.
  • The River Basin Does not Feel As “Desert” Anymore
    According to the community, in the 2022 version, the transition area from Miraleth’s waterfall to Aithanahr felt like an extension of the desert biome. Now, it continues to use a lot of Riverlands assets, making it look more like a lush area rather than a harsh desert landscape. Some players prefer the older version and are hoping Intrepid will bring back more of that desert vibe.

What Does This Mean?

Of course, Ashes of Creation is still in development, so environments and designs will keep evolving. Some of these changes could be intentional, while others might just still be a work in progress. If you are curious to see the side-by-side screenshots, check out the original Reddit thread here: