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[H] Jynx Kazzak EU - 4/9M, recruiting Dps for raidning and M+

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<Jynx> Founded originally back in 2008, is making a comeback after a hiatus. The guild is located on the server Kazzak, and we are currently looking to rebuild our roster in preparation for season four.

We are currently looking to expand our roster with like minded players that wish to progress current and forthcoming content in a stable paced manner, whilst keeping the environment relaxed and drama free. We are welcoming players of all experiences, be it from current patch to previous tiers.

Our ambition for next season is to clear normal and heroic difficulties, then venture into mythic progression. The top priority for this forthcoming tier is to build a core raid team in preparation for the further expansion.

Our progression at the moment is: 
9/9 Hc 
4/9 Mythic 

Recruitment needs:

Monk healer (low)

Shadow priest (High)

Boomkin (High)

Hunter (High)

What do we expect from you as a raider:

- We’re looking for players that consistently strive to improve their performance as the goal of the raid is always to achieve a cutting edge during the current tier.

- Full knowledge of your class

- Knowledge of the current tier.

- Strong attendance 95%+.

- A stable computer and internet connection.

- To have a fully functional mic and be able to speak is highly desired.

- The ability to accept criticism without taking it personally.

- Your character needs to be optimized with adequate

gear, flasks, pots, gems ect

- To show interest in guild activities outside of raiding, such as farming M+

What can you expect from us:

- We're eager to give everyone the chance to maintain a healthy balance between real-life and the game, hence we have set our raid times to be as efficient as possible for players to achieve that balance.

- You're to play in a stable and solid guild, led by an experienced raid leader who makes sure every aspect of the guild is well managed.

Raid Days:

Wednesday 8 -10 ST and Sunday 7 - 10 ST

Despite our current recruitment needs, we will consider all potential applications from other specializations and classes. 

We are also looking to recruit keen mythic plus pushes to bolster our mythic plus roster!

If you're interested in joining us or if you have an inquiry please do not hesitate to add the following officers, or to apply follow the discord link below.

[Jynx Discord](https://discord.gg/uZNftEzrhx)


Emmi 2013#2825 Officer // Airiain#4406 (Discord)


Edited by Luairna
recruitment needs

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We are currently looking for the following dps classes for our roster: 



We will consider applications from other classes and specs at this time. 

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We are currently looking for dps classes, and one dps with healing OS to join our roster.

Shadow Priest 

We will consider all applications from none listed classes.

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Monk Healer *Medium* 
Boomkin *High*
Hunter *High*
Shadow Priest  *High*
Evoka Dps *Medium*

We are currently seeking a DPS with healing OS

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