(Updated) Edgemaster’s Aspect and Of Berserk Ripping Temporarily Disabled

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Update 2: it seems the first Aspect, the Edgemaster’s, was indeed disabled due to the infinitely stacking issue with Whirlwind – except it could affect any channeled spell!

Update: Blizzard have added another Aspect to the list of disabled ones. “Of Berserk Ripping” is now also not working until the team finds a fix. Here’s what it does: Whenever you deal direct damage while Berserking, inflict [20-30%] if the base damage dealt as additional Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

Blizzard have announced they will be taking the Edgemaster’s Aspect offline for a while, as they try to fix some issues with it. This is almost certainly related to the recent hardcore pinnacle boss kill, as the aspect was used in that build. It may have been the thing that was causing Whirldwind to stack infinitely.

Here’s what it does (or did): Skills deal up to [10- 20%] increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.

Aspect Disabled

We have temporarily disabled “Edgemaster’s Aspect” from the game while the team works to resolve some issues with this specific affix. Items that currently use this affix will still be usable but will no longer proc until they have been re-enabled. We will update the community once we release the hold on this Legendary Aspect.

You can read the entire official news post HERE