For all you diligent and curious Mythic dungeon runners out there, burgundy_boar created a new treat. They created, a website that allows you to easily discover and analyze successful M+ team compositions.

By using the public Raider.IO API and analyzing the top 2000 runs across all regions, it allows you to easily check what the current meta is, and how to spec your character to do more, and easier, M+ runs. It’s also quite handy to see which classes and specs have the best chemistry.
You can select only one role, or all five, and you’ll get a list of top runs, including the names of the players, dungeon name, and the date the run was made on. Clicking on the player name will take you to their Raider.IO profile, while clicking on the dungeon name will take you to the run.

It’s a brand new tool, and burgundy_boar is looking for feedback and suggestions, which some users have already provided. The first player impressions are also quite positive, with players liking the clean UI and its responsiveness. Let’s hope burgundy_boar’s notes for improving the website are getting longer, and that the upgrades are already in the works.