The Turbulent Timeways event kicks off tomorrow and here’s a schedule of the new mounts that will become purchasable each week!
Pro Tip: The 20th-anniversary event ends in a few hours. Make sure to convert all remaining Bronze to Timewarped Badges!
New Timewalking Mounts
Turbulent Timeways consist of multiple Timewalking weeks where the weekly cache rewards a piece of Hero track gear. This time around, Blizzard decided to add new mounts to the Timewalking vendors that you can purchase for 5,000 Timewarped Badges each.
Week of January 7: Mists of Pandaria Timewalking
Copper-Maned Quilen Reins can be purchased from Mistweaver Xia on Timeless Isle.

Week of January 14: Warlords of Draenor Timewalking
You can buy Nightfall Skyreaver’s Reins from Kronnus at Warspear or Tempra at Stormshield when WoD Timewalking is up.

Week of January 21: Legion Timewalking
During Legion Timewalking, players can purchase Ur’zul Fleshripper Bridle, a
Shackled Ur’zul recolor, from Aridormi in Dalaran (Broken Shore).

Week of January 28: Classic Timewalking
You can purchase Reins of the Frayfeather Hippogryph from Bobadormu for 5,000 Timewarped Badges at the Caverns of Time entrance. We’re not sure if Blizzard keeps the vendor there when the anniversary event ends, but we’ll keep you posted.

Week of February 4: The Burning Crusade Timewalking
Reins of the Amani Hunting Bear can be bought from Cupri in Shattrah for 5,000 Timewarped Badges.

Week of February 11: Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking
Enchanted Spellweave Carpet is available from Auzin in Dalaran (Crystalsong Forest).

Week of February 18: Cataclysm Timewalking
Finally, you can buy Broodling of Sinestra during Catavlysm Timewalking from Kiatke in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.