Wondering why we’re delving into the Undermine in Patch 11.1 and how Xal’atath, Black Blood, and Gallywix connect? Let’s break it all down, chapter by chapter!
An Explosive Entrance
An explosion has opened the way to a new cavern in the Ringing Deeps. This was in the same location Orweyna’s visions, and Gazlowe’s investigations led them. With their obstacles removed, they want your help investigate what lies beyond.
Trust Issues (Chapter 1)
You arrived to find goblins have set up a major operation. Time to investigate the work camps and find out what they are after.
Your investigations and informants revealed Gallywix unleashed goblins to mind Black Blood, the substance that mutated the nerubians and empowered Xal’atath’s Dark Heart. An informant named Zirdo seems willing to tell you more and lead you deeper into the caves.
Orweyna and you attacked the Black Blood pumps, but a goblin engineer, Pamsy, pointed out that a direct attack on the pumps would make things worse.
Pamsy revealed she was the one who brought down the wall that brought your attention. She hoped getting outsider’s attention could save her workers. But Zirdo betrayed you all for a reward and then Darkfuse Overseer had Pamsy’s crew killed.
With Pamsy’s help, the Black Blood pumps were stopped. Now it is the time to follow the Black Blood to its destination, in Undermine.
Undermine Awaits (Chapter 2)
A rocket drill has taken your band to Undermine, the center of goblin society. Pamsy’s pal, Grimla Fizzlecrank, has volunteered to get you acquainted with the place so you can pick up the trail of the Black Blood.
Gallywix and his Darkfuse have been spreading over Undermine, into the territory of friendly and hostile cartels.
Orweyna has found the trail of the Black Blood again. Revilgaz and Blackwater are moving it through Undermine, and Ethereals seem to be lurking in the shadows. As Orewyna set out to get Alleria to help as the rest of you went to question Revilgaz.

Revilgaz has no loyalty with Gallywix and is willing to help you out. He sent you to a drop site where the Black Blood was sent to be distributed.
Zirdo was promoted for his slimy ways by Gallywix to Overseer of the Heaps, but he will not live to commit another betrayal.
The trail of the Black Blood has led to Gallywix. Darkfuse oppression and a mysterious ethereal, but the painful blow was discovering Marin Noggenfogger is somehow involved.
Uncovering the Truth (Chapter 3)
Alleria joined you and the goblins in Undermine as you began your investigation of Noggenfogger’s involvement.
Noggenfogger is working for Gallywix against his will. He couldn’t say much, buy he did set you on the trail of Venture companies kaja’mite mines.
You discovered Venture was running a kaja’mite mine in Zuldazar, and trading the kaja’mite to Gallywix for weapons powered by Black Blood.

You witnessed a Steamwheedle scientist being forced to test Black Blood weapons, stabilized using kaja’mite. The successful test would allow Gallywix to use the kaja’,mite and Black Blood to repair the Dark Heart.
Breaking the Shackles (Chapter 4)
You rushed back to Noggenfogger to find he was under attack by Ethereals, who were also after the Dark Heart.

With Alleria’s help you fought them off, but the race is on, and you need to reach the Dark Heart, and hostages Gallywix is using to control other trade princes before your enemies.
The hostages were freed, but Gallywix has escaped, and the Dark Heart was taken by one of the ethereal. Gazlowe seems to have lost his will to fight for Undermne. Alleria had to leave and continue her hunt for the Dark Heart.
Ignite the Fuel Charge! (Chapter 5)
Renzik’s death at the hands of Nikki the Fixer kicked off violence in the streets of Undermine.
You and Gazlowe couldn’t stop Nikki the Fixer, but the revolution rages on.

Gazlowe stayed behind to rally the people of Bilgewater and sent you to deal with the Black Blood smugglers at the Blackwater Marina.
You helped Fleetmaster Seahorn reclaim the Blackwater Marina and stop the flow of Black Blod into the Undermine. Grimla, Pamsy, and Orweyna need your aid to stop Venture Company loyalists from turning their existing stockpiles into new weapons.
You and Orweyna decimated Venture Co.’s stockpile of Black Blood weapons. Nikki the fixer harried you with her nigh-invincible Executive Package, but Pamsy handed off parts to Gazlowe that may let him invent a weapon to defeat her. Gazlowe arrived with a city’s worth of goblins ready to march on Gallywix’s casino and take back Undermine.
Nikki the Fixer paid the price for killing Renzik, forcing Gallywix to retreat into his fortress-like casino. While he is safe from goblin justice for now, Gallywix no longer has grip on the city and its people. A new era dawns for Undermine.

Now that you know what the whole campaign is about, let’s take a closer look at the in-game cutscenes and what they reveal, based on the description:
Animated Real-Time Cutscene (ARTC) – 11.1 Dark Heart Stolen
While we fought Gallywix’s guards, he was preparing a teleporter to leave Undermine with the Dark Heart in hand.
We kill his guards, but he grabs the Dark Heart, triumphant.
Gallywix exchanges heated words with Gazlowe, while Gazlowe tries one final time to make Gallywix see reason.
Suddenly, Phase-Thief Azir appears behind Gallywix and snatches the Dark Heart from his hand before teleporting away.
Enraged, Gallywix hurls insults at Gazlowe before leaving by himself, destroying the teleporter behind him as he leaves.
Gazlowe, Renzik, and Alleria are dismayed and frustrated, but at least Gallywix’s plans have been thwarted for now.

Animated Real-Time Cutscene (ARTC) – 11.1 Renzik Sacrifices All
Through a sniper scope, we see Gallywix instructing Nikki to shoot.
The bullet is meant for Gazlowe, but it hits Renzik.
Renzik collapses in a pile of dust. The bullet was infused with black blood.

Animated Real-Time Cutscene (ARTC) – 11.1 Gallywix Calls for Xal’atath
Gallywix is cornered! Desperate, he calls upon Xal’atath for aid. She appears and looks upon the player.
Xal’atath asks for the Dark Heart, which Gallywix doesn’t have.
Xal’atath denies Gallywix assistance and says she’ll enjoy watching him fall to player and friends.
Gallywix has no choice but to flee into his casino.

Plot Recap
We don’t know how Gallywix got ahold of the Dark Heart from Iridikron, but Xal’atath wanted it for herself. Unfortunately, the ethereal have stolen it. Based on game icons, we datamined an upcoming Ethereal raid that’s most likely planned for Patch 11.2. Maybe at that time, we will also see Iridikron.