Venn is back at it, with another World First solo under his belt! We’ve already seen him take down the 4th boss, Rasha’nan in the raid. And that’s in both Normal and Heroic difficulties, but now it’s time to aim a lot higher! And it’s not even a Death Knight or Demon Hunter doing it!
2/8 Solo Cleared!
Not only does this make it two Nerub-ar Palace raid bosses Venn has soloed, but this one is the fifth boss of the raid, making it a lot harder. The first four bosses of the palace were much easier in general, and Ky’veza was actually pretty tough on launch. But now we have one lone Monk taking down the deadly princess. This one took 6 hours to get done. And that’s only for the kill itself, as in the fight lasted that long!
6 Hours of Elcipse
The fight is actually a very strange one to solo. It actually has a tank buster mechanic, which forced top guilds to switch tanks out in the original Mythic kill. Now, this is “only” Normal, but the mechanic is still present. There’s a stacking debuff that makes you take more and more damage. It starts off at 1.4 million and increases by 25% for each stack. But that wasn’t the problem at all, as the Monk’s cooldowns dealt with it easily. However, her soft enrage was, when the entire room gets covered in her Eclipse ability. Considering that kicks in around 70% of the boss HP due to just the single player doing damage… it’s not really survivable. But Venn found a way around that!

So, what the solution to not being able to survive a room full of darkness on the floor? Well, leave the room, of course! Using Transcendence, the Monk just went out of the room to avoid the damage. You can’t really do that without resetting the boss after a short while, but it seems Ky’veza’s Eclipse actually clips through the room and just a tiny bit outside the boss door! Using
Siphoning Lightbrand and
Ceaseless Swarmgland, the Eclipse peeking through the door could procc the trinkets and damage the boss, since their abilities ignore line of sight and have a long range. Venn still had to be careful not to die to the Eclipse and Reaper abilities (the latter just kills you if you fall under 10%), as he needed to get hit to proc the trinkets.
And so the rest is simply going forward and back for SIX HOURS until the boss dies to the relatively trivial damage the trinkets do!
The Full Kill
Here’s the full kill, coming in at over 2 hours even at 3x speed, if you want to look at very small damage numbers shot occasionally through a door.
A Long Road
Another big win for Venn, and while this is pretty much an exploit, we don’t really see anyone abusing it much. A lot of prep time, a specific class, and 6 hours spent to get loot from the 5th Normal raid boss doesn’t seem worth it for anyone else! Speaking of prep time… While the planning stage was basically the whole season, it took over 75 attempts to get this done. 12 of those were after the strategy was perfected, and the average pull was actually just 5 minutes. There were a couple of several-hour-long wipes as well, but not quite as many as back on Rasha’nan.
Now let’s see if more Nerub-ar Palace bosses drop to a single player before 11.1 arrives!