Diablo 4 Vs. Diablo 2: Resurrected Sorcerer Spell Visuals Comparison

Starym Avatar by Starym

It’s strange to think that the most recent entry in the Diablo franchise before D4 was actually Diablo 2, but… it was, sort of. D2 Resurrected looks pretty good to this day, so it’s no surprise we’re seeing comparisons between its visuals and the newer ones in the 4th installment. Gaunerh Gaming took a look at Sorceress spell visuals between the two games, so let’s see how they compare.

As for me, I have to say some of the visuals are indeed a little better in D2R. Specifically, the ice and frost spells work better to be, particularly the frosty mist enveloping your character with each spell cast. Then again, fire spells seem enhanced in D4.

But who cares what I think, what’s your take on the graphical face-off?