Good news for those of you still looking for those last few (or even the very last) World Quests needed for the Battle for Azeroth meta-achievement and mount!
The Quest
The Cancel the Blood Troll Apocalypse is up on EU servers currently and will be up soon on NA servers as well, as spotted by the very incorrectly named useless740. There are still about 16 hours left in the quest as of the writing of this post. It should also be up in around 4-5 hours on NA servers. Useless740 even has a tip for completing the quest, making their nickname even more incorrect!

Do be careful, however, as it’s possible to fail the quest. And at that point, you’ll need to try it on another character. There are players reporting actually failing it on multiple Horde characters and basically being locked out until it shows up again.
The Mount
Jani’s Trashpile is a new mount available in Patch 11.0.7 from the Battle for Azeroth expansion meta-achievement called
A Farewell to Arms. It’s a full transformation mount as well, as your character becomes the Trash Loa himself! You can even keep your weapons, and sometimes your shield gets embedded in you!