It seems NetEase, which runs the Chinese version of WoW, are really getting back into the swing of things after last year’s new deal with Blizzard. We have another promotion coming from them, after the pretty cool Blazing Hatecycle one and the less cool buy a new and flying Spectral Tiger one. This time it’s two brand new mounts either being given out or purchased, but it’s two really cool ones.
A Golden Al’ar
The star of the show is certainly the golden version of Ashes of Al’ar!

As spotted by UnitedDebate5423, there are two events going on. The golden Al’ar mount comes from actual lootboxes, which can also contain both the regular old Spectral Tiger and the new flying one that was introduced for Chinese servers only, as well as other things.
The events start this Wednesday, and Chinese players will be able to form “shopping teams” to get discounts on the lootboxes. The boxes themselves will drop the golden Al’ar, two Spectral Tigers, the two Nether Rockets, as well as some toys. Each box is around $27, but can get discounts based on the shopping team size.
The Blazing Royal Fire Hawk
The other new mount looks very similar to the Pureblood Fire Hawk, but has unique patters on its wings when it starts flying.

The mount will not come from the lootboxes. Instead, it will be part of the Treasure Workshop event above. It’s unclear in which capacity, as it could just be bought individually, or earned some other way.
So, what do you think of promotions like this? Keep them there or bring them here as well?