We have another Word Quest required for the Jani’s Trashpile mount up today! It’s really been a good day for the Battle for Azeroth meta-achievement, as Cancel the Blood Troll Apocalypse is still up (for Horde) as well!
The Quest
The Getting Out of Hand World Quest is currently up on both NA and EU realms for Alliance players. American players have 20 hours and Europeans only 10 as of publishing. This quest is linked to the It’s Really Getting Out of Hand achievement required for the
Bwon Voyage achievement, which itself is required for the BfA meta-achievement and mount reward.

But don’t forget, you can fail these two achievements! They have a very fast kill time requirement, and you have to do them solo. Good luck!
The Mount
Jani’s Trashpile is a new mount available in Patch 11.0.7 from the Battle for Azeroth expansion meta-achievement called
A Farewell to Arms. It’s a full transformation mount as well, as your character becomes the Trash Loa himself! You can even keep your weapons, and sometimes your shield gets embedded in you!