Vexice can finally play the game. The player has collected every mount, pet, toy, and recipe currently available in the game, except for the current Seasonal Gladiator mount.
Gathering every recipe alone is an extremely time-consuming task, requiring extensive effort and dedication. Congratulations to Vexice on reaching this milestone!

Interestingly, this feat only puts them in No.27 on the Data for Azeroth overall leaderboards. You might be wondering how that’s possible, but as it turns out, there’s even MORE to collect in WoW than, well, collectibles! Vexice has a 989,004 score, while the top player on DfA is sitting at 1,019,786. So what are they missing? Well, there’s titles, achievements, quests, and, most frustrating of all, everything that’s unobtainable in the game at the moment!
So, trying to “100%” WoW truly is truly an endless task, and those that keep on going for it have quite the road ahead!