The Season of Witchcraft is here and it seems there’s quite the difficulty spike at the very start.
The season hasn’t been here long but players are already learning that going back to zero is quite a different experience from their super-geared high-level antics. The start of the seasonal questline seems to be doing a reality check, as the first enemy we have to defeat in it is racking up quite the kill count.

HiFiMAN3878 was the first to admit to having some serious trouble getting the monster down, but many soon chimed in with their own deadly experiences.
It seems “Hard” difficulty is actually earning its name for once! The low levels and basically no build to speak of at this early stage are throwing players off and causing them to fail the very first quest. There are actually four difficulties you can select with a new character, so Hard isn’t even in the upper spectrum of difficulty, so you can imagine the surprise players felt when dying to an Enraged Headless Husk.
Not everyone is dying, but many are having a hard time.
In the end, players are reducing the difficulty to Normal just to be done with it. After a few levels, the issue resolves itself so it’s not exactly a problem, but it’s really interesting to see a difficulty spike and players outright dying this early.
So careful on Hardcore and have fun with the new season!