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Ice Shards Sorcerer Endgame Build Guide for Diablo 4 (Season 4)

Freeze, shatter, and conquer the world of Sanctuary!




Theorycraft Build Maker and Content Creator

Updated: Posted:

Ice ShardsFlame ShieldFrost NovaDeep FreezeIce ArmorTeleport

Build Introduction

The Ice ShardsIce Shards Sorcerer releases a barrage of projectiles to shotgun enemies, piercing through them all with Aspect of Piercing ColdAspect of Piercing Cold. This build It is designed to inflict substantial damage against a single target or groups of enemies.

The Ice Shards Sorcerer can also be transformed into a speed-farming powerhouse with the Telestomp setup. Alternatively, the Blizzard Sorcerer Build clears slightly slower than the Ice Shards Sorcerer, but is capable of higher damage output once ramped up.

This is a strong endgame build for the Sorcerer, but it is not a viable starter build for a new character. Check the Build Requirements before starting the Ice Shards Sorcerer build. Use a build in the Sorcerer Leveling Guide if you need help reaching Level 50.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • High burst damage
  • Fast dungeon clearing
  • Multiple Defensive Skills and crowd controls for survivability
  • Damage reliant on crowd controlled enemies or staggered bosses
  • Requires proper mana and cooldown management
  • Lacks survivability when Defensive Skills or crowd controls are inactive

To see how this build compares to the other builds on our site, you can check out our build tier lists.

Build Requirements

Ice ShardsIce Shards drains Mana quickly when spammed and requires specific gear to perform well without a Basic Attack. We recommend starting with our Chain Lightning Leveling Guide to begin a new Sorcerer character, then transitioning to the Chain Lightning Endgame Guide at Level 50. Collect the required items listed below before attempting to switch to the Ice Shard Sorcerer build.

Skill Tree Points and Skill Bar

Skill Bar Setup for Ice Shards Sorcerer (order does not matter)
Ice Shards Ice Shards Frost Nova Frost Nova Teleport Teleport Ice Armor Ice Armor Flame Shield Flame Shield Deep Freeze Deep Freeze

The Skill Tree above shows the full allocation of 58 Skill Points for the Ice Shards Sorceress build. Make sure you obtain the 10 Skill Points available from Renown.

Alternative Skills

Deep FreezeDeep Freeze is useful as a panic button in emergencies or as another source of Freeze when Frost NovaFrost Nova is on Cooldown. The Cooldown Reduction on Supreme Deep FreezeSupreme Deep Freeze also synergizes well with the 4 Defensive Skills. Alternatively, Deep Freeze can be replaced with the following Skills.

  • Glinting Frost BoltGlinting Frost Bolt can be used to generate Mana if you run into resource problems. Proper Mana Cost Reduction and Maximum Mana should be enough resource management, so Frost BoltFrost Bolt should only be used as a temporary solution.
  • Prime Unstable CurrentsPrime Unstable Currents can be utilized for an occasional 25% Attack Speed increase.
  • InfernoInferno has a vortex pull that can be helpful for grouping enemies, especially if you are lacking Raiment of the Infinite.
  • BlizzardBlizzard can be used to eventually Freeze enemies after a 5 second duration. This becomes an unnecessary cast if you have enough damage to kill enemies quickly.
  • Invoked Lightning SpearInvoked Lightning Spear can be used to Stun enemies around you, increasing your survivability.
  • Summoned Ice BladesSummoned Ice Blades can reduce Cooldowns by a minor amount.

Enchantment Slots

Non-Ultimate Skills can be equipped in two available Enchantment Slots. A skill must have at least one skill point allocated to it in order to be used in the Enchantment Slot. Skill points that have been granted through gear work as well.

Slot Ice ShardsIce Shards in the first Enchantment Slot for automatic casts at Frozen enemies. Switch to TeleportTeleport Enchantment for the Telestomp build variant.

Slot Fire BoltFire Bolt in the second Enchantment Slot. This applies Burning to enemies for Devouring BlazeDevouring Blaze and Burning effect bonuses from Paragon. Do not equip Fire Bolt on the Skill Bar.


Paragon unlocks after reaching Level 50, and the progression system offers a considerable boost to character power. The images below provide a visual of each Paragon Board setup for the Ice Shards Sorcerer.

Important Notes:

  • Make sure you select the correct Legendary Boards and rotate them into the correct orientation.
  • Attach Legendary Boards in the correct order, as bonus requirements of Rare Nodes increase with their placement order.
  • Additional bonus requirements on Rare Glyphs may not be obtainable until they gain increased radius range at Level 15.

1. Starting Board (Destruction)

Socket DestructionDestruction for increased Critical Strike Damage and a separate damage multiplier.

2. Elemental Summoner (Flamefeeder)

Attach the Elemental SummonerElemental Summoner board without any rotations. Socket FlamefeederFlamefeeder for increased damage to Burning targets. Prioritize leveling Flamefeeder to 15, as the increased radius is needed to allocate 25 Dexterity for the additional bonus. The Legendary Node on this board is not utilized.

3. Burning Instinct (Reinforced)

Rotate the Burning InstinctBurning Instinct board 3 times before attachment. Socket ReinforcedReinforced to boost the Damage Reduction stat on Smoldering EmbersSmoldering Embers. Prioritize leveling Reinforced to 15 to gain increased radius, as it is needed to obtain the Damage Reduction in the additional bonus. The Legendary Node on this board is not utilized. Path to the bottom Board Attachment Gate first to continue.

4. Frigid Fate (Exploit)

Rotate the Frigid FateFrigid Fate board 1 time before attachment. Immediately obtain the Legendary Node to gain a separate multiplier that scales with Cold Damage. Socket ExploitExploit and prioritize leveling it to 15 for the increased radius to gain the additional bonus.

5. Enchantment Master (Control)

Rotate the Enchantment MasterEnchantment Master board 1 time before attachment. Socket ControlControl and prioritize leveling it to 15 to obtain the additional bonus. The Legendary Node on this board is not utilized.

6. Icefall

Path to the Board Attachment Gate on the left side of the Burning InstinctBurning Instinct board to continue. Rotate the IcefallIcefall board 1 time before attachment. Immediately obtain the Legendary Node for another damage multiplier. The glyph socket on this board is not utilized.

Paragon Board images courtesy of Click this link for the Paragon planner.

Gear, Gems, Elixirs, and Stats

Season 4 brings an incredible shift in character progression systems. The major rework to itemization and crafting in Patch 1.4.0 changes the core mechanics of Diablo 4, and the changes will remain in effect beyond Season 4. For further details, read the overview in the Tempering and Masterworking section.

Legendary Aspects

Listed below are all the best-in-slot Aspects for the Ice Shards Sorcerer build. Salvage Legendary Items with higher Aspect values to unlock them in the Codex of Power, and then imprint them onto Legendary Items with the preferred affixes.

Accelerating AspectAccelerating Aspect provides Attack Speed for more damage output, but the increase becomes diminished with other sources of stacking Attack Speed from Gear, Paragon, and Elixir. Mana is also drained faster with Attack Speed. Use Offensive Aspects with separate damage multipliers instead, such as Conceited AspectConceited Aspect and Storm Swell AspectStorm Swell Aspect.

Gear SlotAspect NameLegendary Aspect Power
Amulet (+50% bonus effect)Elementalist's AspectElementalist’s AspectCore or Mastery Skills cast at or above 100 Mana gain a [20.0 – 40.0%] increased Critical Strike Chance.
Ring Slot #1 (replaced by Tal Rasha's Iridescent LoopTal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop)Edgemaster's AspectEdgemaster’s AspectSkills deal up to [10 – 20%] increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.
Ring Slot #2 (replaced by Ring of Starless SkiesRing of Starless Skies)Conceited AspectConceited AspectDeal [15 – 25%] increased damage while you have a Barrier active.
Wand, Focus, or GlovesAspect of Piercing ColdAspect of Piercing ColdIce ShardsIce Shards pierce 3-4 times, dealing 25% less damage per subsequent enemy hit.
Wand, Focus, or GlovesStorm Swell AspectStorm Swell AspectYou deal x [21 – 30%] increased damage to Vulnerable enemies while you have a Barrier.
Wand, Focus, or GlovesAspect of Shredding BladesAspect of Shredding BladesIce Blades’ chance to apply Vulnerable is increased by +20% and the Vulnerable duration is increased by 4 seconds. You gain x [15 – 30%] Vulnerable Damage.
Note: Use only for the Vulnerable Damage.
Chest (gets replaced by Raiment of the InfiniteRaiment of the Infinite)Aspect of FortuneAspect of FortuneYour Lucky Hit Chance is increased by [10 – 20%] while you have a Barrier active.
Helm (replaced by Harlequin CrestHarlequin Crest)Snowveiled AspectSnowveiled AspectCasting Ice Armor makes you Unstoppable and grants 30% bonus Armor for [3.0 – 5.0] seconds.
Pants (replaced by Tibault's WillTibault’s Will)Aspect of DisobedienceAspect of DisobedienceYou gain [0.6 – 1.1%] increased Armor for 4 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to [36 – 66%].
BootsAspect of Binding EmbersAspect of Binding EmbersFlame Shield lets you move unhindered through enemies. Enemies you move through while Flame Shield is active are Immobilized for [2.0 – 3.0] seconds.
Note: Use unhindered movement to get unstuck after Telestomping.


Listed below are the best Gems to socket into gear for each item type.

WeaponRoyal SapphireRoyal Sapphire for increased Vulnerable Damage.
ArmorRoyal RubyRoyal Ruby for increased Maximum Life.
JewelryAny Resistance Gems needed or Royal SkullRoyal Skull for Armor.


Visit the Alchemist in any main town to craft helpful Elixirs that increase stats and experience gain for 30 minutes. Make sure to forage plants and pick up the necessary crafting materials during your adventures; they randomly spawn around the world. Elixirs can also drop randomly from enemies and chests during many activities in Diablo 4. Listed below are the best Elixirs to consume, ranked by importance.

  1. Elixir of PrecisionElixir of Precision provides the highest damage output increase, if not already capped at 100% Critical Strike Chance.
  2. Elixir of AdvantageElixir of Advantage increases damage output, if not already capped at 100% Attack Speed bonus from gear and Paragon.
  3. Elixir of ResourceElixir of Resource helps with Mana issues, if you do not already have the appropriate Mana gear. This elixir is highly recommended for starting characters to maintain constant casts of Ice ShardsIce Shards.
  4. Elixir of FortitudeElixir of Fortitude is the best general purpose option for survivability. Increased Maximum Life grants larger Barriers from ProtectionProtection and Ice ArmorIce Armor.
  5.  Elixir of Iron Barbs Elixir of Iron Barbs can provide a high amount of Physical Damage Reduction. Armor becomes more effective as you approach the Armor cap (9,320 against monster level 100 and above).
  6. Specific Resistance Elixirs can be utilized to survive against Uber Bosses with elemental attacks.

Return to the Alchemist again when you reach Level 20, 30, 45, 60, 70, 80 and 90, to upgrade your potion. The extra healing is essential to survival.

Stat Priority and Tempering Affixes

Listed below are the affixes to prioritize on gear for Ice Shards Sorcerers. Each line of affixes are listed in order of importance. Affixes on the same line are considered to be equally important, but their benefits may vary depending on how much is stacked or other character stats. Bolded affixes are the most important targets for Masterworking upgrades.

The priority order of Resistances is Lightning > Poison > Fire > Cold > Shadow. Maximum Resistance is 70% by default for each element and can be increased to 85% by various sources.

Temper enough Cold Damage affixes from the Frost Finesse Manual to gain the maximum 30% damage multiplier from Frigid FateFrigid Fate. Once you have enough Cold Damage to cap the Frigid Fate bonus, temper Damage to Close Enemies from the Natural Finesse Manual on the remaining Offensive slots.

If you are using a speed setup with Teleport Enchantment, temper the Evade Cooldown Reduction affix from the Natural Motion Manual onto your Boots and Amulet. Otherwise, temper the Movement Speed or Teleport Cooldown Reduction affixes.

Check the Tempering and Masterworking section for more details on Blacksmith upgrading.

SlotGear AffixesTempering Affixes
Wand1. Maximum Life
2. Intelligence, Critical Strike Damage, Vulnerable Damage
Frost AugmentsFrost Augments (Weapon): Chance for Ice Shards Projectiles to Cast Twice
Frost FinesseFrost Finesse (Offensive): Cold Damage
Focus1. Critical Strike Chance, Cooldown Reduction
2. Resource Cost Reduction, Lucky Hit Chance to Restore Primary Resource
3. Maximum Life, Intelligence
Frost AugmentsFrost Augments (Weapon): Chance for Ice Shards Projectiles to Cast Twice
Frost FinesseFrost Finesse (Offensive): Cold Damage
Helm1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Mana per Second, Resistances, Armor
3. Lucky Hit Chance, Maximum Life, Intelligence
Natural SchemesNatural Schemes (Utility): Crowd Control Duration
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance (Defensive): Armor or Maximum Life
Chest1. Ranks to Defensive Skills
2. Mana per Second, Resistances, Armor
3. Maximum Life, Intelligence
Natural SchemesNatural Schemes (Utility): Crowd Control Duration
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance (Defensive): Armor or Maximum Life
Gloves1. Ranks to Ice Shards, Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed
2. Resource Cost Reduction, Resistances, Armor
3. Lucky Hit Chance, Maximum Life, Intelligence, Critical Strike Damage, Vulnerable Damage
Natural FinesseNatural Finesse (Offensive): Damage to Close Enemies
Natural SchemesNatural Schemes (Utility): Crowd Control Duration
Pants1. Resistances, Armor
2. Maximum Life, Intelligence
Natural SchemesNatural Schemes (Utility): Crowd Control Duration
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance (Defensive): Armor or Maximum Life
BootsImplicit Stat: Attacks Reduce Evade’s Cooldown
1. Movement Speed
2. Mana per Second, Resistances, Armor
3. Maximum Life, Intelligence
Natural MotionNatural Motion (Mobility): Evade Cooldown Reduction
Natural SchemesNatural Schemes (Utility): Crowd Control Duration
Amulet1. Ranks to Devouring Blaze, Critical Strike Chance, Cooldown Reduction
2. Attack Speed
3. Resource Cost Reduction, Movement Speed, Resistances, Armor
Natural MotionNatural Motion (Mobility): Evade Cooldown Reduction
Natural FinesseNatural Finesse (Offensive): Damage to Close Enemies
Rings1. Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed, Resource Cost Reduction
2. Lucky Hit Chance, Maximum Life, Resistances
3. Intelligence, Critical Strike Damage, Vulnerable Damage
Worldly StabilityWorldly Stability (Resource): Resource Generation or Resource Cost Reduction
Natural FinesseNatural Finesse (Offensive): Damage to Close Enemies

Unique Items

Listed below are the recommended and optional Unique Items for the Ice Shards Sorcerer build. Each item description includes the most important affix to target for Masterworking upgrades.

  • Raiment of the InfiniteRaiment of the Infinite (highly recommended) synergizes well with the Ice Shards Sorcerer to group and Stun enemies. Check the Telestomp Variant section for more details.
    • Masterworking Priority: Ranks of the Glass Cannon Passive
  • Tal Rasha's Iridescent LoopTal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop (recommended) can provide up to a 60% damage multiplier with 4 elemental stacks.
    • Masterworking Priority: Cooldown Reduction
  • Ring of Starless SkiesRing of Starless Skies (recommended) is the best Uber Unique Item for the Ice Shards Sorcerer. The unique effect provides a 40% damage multiplier and solves any Mana issues.
    • Masterworking Priority: Critical Strike Chance
  • Harlequin CrestHarlequin Crest (recommended) provides additional Ranks to Ice ShardsIce Shards and 20% Damage Reduction, if you are lucky enough to find this Uber Unique Item.
    • Masterworking Priority: Cooldown Reduction
  • Tibault's WillTibault’s Will (recommended) provides a damage multiplier effect and a Damage Reduction from Close Enemies affix that is not usually obtainable in the Pants slot, in addition to Mana generation. Alternate activations of the damage buff with TeleportTeleport and Flame ShieldFlame Shield.
    • Masterworking Priority: Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
  • Fists of FateFists of Fate (optional) increases overall damage by 50% with a perfect 300% value on the unique effect. Unfortunately, they are still a minor damage loss compared to well-rolled Legendary Gloves with +4 Ranks to Ice ShardsIce Shards, Attack Speed, Critical Strike Chance, and an Offensive Aspect.
    • Masterworking Priority: Lucky Hit Chance to Restore Primary Resource

Season 4: Loot Reborn

The following list details the changes in the Season 4 Update (Patch 1.4.0) that may pertain to Ice Shards Sorcerers. Check the Changelog for all the other guide updates.

  • Tal Rasha's Iridescent LoopTal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop
    • Maximum stacks now capped at four.
    • All Resistance variants increased from 8%/3% to 10%/4%.
  • Tibault's WillTibault’s Will
    • Damage increase while Unstoppable reduced from 20-40% to 10-20%.
    • Damage increase persists for 1 second longer after being Unstoppable.
  • Ice ShardsIce Shards
    • Damage increased by 28% (1.25 to 1.6).
    • Enhanced Ice ShardsEnhanced Ice Shards: Ricochet chance increased from 40% to 50%.
  • Supreme Deep FreezeSupreme Deep Freeze
    • Now applies Vulnerable for 5 seconds when it ends.
  • Ice ArmorIce Armor
    • Enhanced Ice ArmorEnhanced Ice Armor
      • Mana Regeneration increased from 25% to 30%.
    • Shimmering Ice ArmorShimmering Ice Armor
      • Previous – Enemies that hit you while Ice Armor is active have a 15% chance to become Frozen for 3.23 seconds.
      • Now – While Ice Armor is active, you reduce its Cooldown by 1 second for every 50 Mana you spend.
    • Mystical Ice ArmorMystical Ice Armor
      • Previous – Damage against Vulnerable enemies contributes 50% more to Ice Armor’s Barrier.
      • Now – While Ice Armor is active, you periodically Chill Close enemies for 20% and deal 15% increased damage to Frozen enemies.
  • Shimmering Frost NovaShimmering Frost Nova
    • Previous – Frost Nova generates 4 Mana per enemy hit.
    • Now – Frost Nova grants 3% Dodge Chance per enemy hit, up to 15%. Hitting a Boss gives the maximum amount. For the next 8 seconds, you keep this effect, and successful Dodges generate 20 Mana.
  • Flame ShieldFlame Shield
    • Enhanced Flame ShieldEnhanced Flame Shield
      • Previous – Flame Shield grants 25% increased Movement Speed while active.
      • Now – Flame Shield has a 50% larger burn radius.
    • Mystical Flame ShieldMystical Flame Shield
      • Previous – You gain 25% Mana Cost Reduction while Flame Shield is active.
      • Now – After Flame Shield ends, surrounding enemies are Stunned for 3 seconds and your next Skill within 10 seconds is a guaranteed Critical Strike.
  • TeleportTeleport
    • Enhanced TeleportEnhanced Teleport
      • Previous – Teleport’s Cooldown is decreased by 0.5 seconds per enemy hit, up to 3 seconds.
      • Now – You gain 30% Movement Speed for 3 seconds after Teleporting.
    • Mystical TeleportMystical Teleport
      • Previous – For 4 seconds after Teleporting, Crackling Energy hits 2 additional enemies.
      • Now – Teleport deals 500% increased damage. It also forms a Crackling Energy for each enemy it hits, up to 3.
  • Elemental AttunementElemental Attunement
    • Cooldown reset chance increased from 5% to 7%.
  • Mana ShieldMana Shield
    • Damage Reduction increased from 7% to 8%.
  • Devouring BlazeDevouring Blaze
    • Crowd Controlled enemies now provide the damage bonus instead of Immobilized.
  • Conjuration MasteryConjuration Mastery
    • Previous – You gain 1% increased damage for each active conjuration.
    • Now – You gain 1% increased damage, 1% Movement Speed, and 2% Mana Generation for each active Conjuration.
  • Elemental DominanceElemental Dominance
    • Damage increased from 3% to 4%.
  • Aspect of DisobedienceAspect of Disobedience
    • Armor stacks no longer fall off independently. They now refresh or reset at the same time.
    • Armor gain changed to 25-40%.
  • Aspect of the Bounding ConduitAspect of the Bounding Conduit
    • Previous – Gain 15-30% Movement Speed for 3 seconds after Teleporting.
    • Now – Teleport’s Cooldown is reduced by 1.0-2.5 seconds. After Teleporting, Crackling Energy hits 2 additional enemies for 5 seconds.
  • TacticianTactician
    • New Functionality: Now lasts 4 seconds longer for each Defensive Skill not on your Action Bar.
  • WinterWinter
    • Cold damage increase maximum raised from 15% to 18%.

Video Overview and Gameplay Footage

Advanced Information

Additional details are provided in the following sections for a more in-depth explanation of the Ice Shards Sorcerer. Read this advanced information after understanding the basic overview of the build in the previous sections.

Build Mechanics

The Ice Shards Sorcerer requires careful management of resource and multiple cooldowns. Ice ShardsIce Shards deliver powerful single target damage and can pierce through multiple enemies with Aspect of Piercing ColdAspect of Piercing Cold.

Casting Frost NovaFrost Nova to freeze an entire pack of enemies automatically casts Ice ShardsIce Shards at them with the Enhancement effect. This barrage of piercing projectiles shotguns tougher enemies, hitting them multiple times at once! Mystical Frost NovaMystical Frost Nova applies Vulnerable in case you are not using Destructive Ice ShardsDestructive Ice Shards.

AvalancheAvalanche is the preferred Key PassivesKey Passives since this build needs more single target damage for tough elites and bosses. Alternatively, ShatterShatter can be used to clear groups of enemies faster.

Use Deep FreezeDeep Freeze as a last resort Freeze.

Damage Rotation

Use the following rotation to optimize damage.

  1. (Optional) Use TeleportTeleport to close the gap and position yourself next to any elites.
  2. Cast Frost NovaFrost Nova to Freeze the entire pack of enemies.
  3. Spam Ice ShardsIce Shards at the toughest enemy.
  4. Cast Flame ShieldFlame Shield or Ice ArmorIce Armor for protection and Unstoppable when needed.
  5. (Optional) Cast Deep FreezeDeep Freeze during difficult fights to become Immune and reset Cooldowns.
  6. Repeat the rotation, making sure to allow Mana to fill completely before using Frost NovaFrost Nova.

Telestomp with Raiment of the Infinite

Raiment of the InfiniteRaiment of the Infinite allows the Ice Shards Sorcerer to use 2 sources of TeleportTeleport offensively. Teleporting on top of enemies to Stun and group them up is called “Telestomping”. This playstyle can quickly clear groups of enemies and keep them Crowd Controlled (CC) for safety, perfect for speed-farming Helltides, Nightmare Dungeons, and The Pit!

Use the following setup for the Telestomp Ice Shards Sorcerer.

  • Equip Raiment of the InfiniteRaiment of the Infinite to enable Telestomps. Target-farm Raiment of the Infinite from Varshan or Lord Zir for the best chances of it dropping.
  • Equip TeleportTeleport in an Enchantment Slot.
  • Equip Boots with the implicit effect, Attacks Reduce Evade’s Cooldown.

Tempering and Masterworking

The Season 4 update (Patch 1.4.0) introduces a rework for itemization. Tempering and Masterworking brings the biggest change to itemization since the release of Diablo 4, so make sure you understand the new systems explained in this section.

The amount of affixes on items has been changed to reflect its rarity: Normal Items have no affixes, Magic Items have 1 affix, Rare Items have 2 affixes, Legendary Items have 3 affixes, and Unique Items have 4 affixes. Upgrading a Rare Item to a Legendary Item by imprinting a Legendary Aspect from the Codex of Power will not add a third affix. Therefore, Legendary Items are superior to lower rarity items for a min-maxed character.

Greater Affixes are a newly added mechanic that increases the value of an affix by 50%. Ancestral Legendary Items and Unique Items can now drop with up to 4 Greater Affixes! Search for items with your preferred Greater Affixes to upgrade with Tempering and Masterworking.

Tempering and Masterworking is an important system, even mandatory in the endgame, for character progression. You are able to add 2 additional affixes on any Rare Item or Legendary Item, exclusive to the Tempering System. An Ancestral Legendary Item can have up to 5 total affixes! Unfortunately, Unique Items cannot be tempered to add affixes.

Masterworking uses new crafting materials found in The Pit to further enhance the stats of an item. These upgrades can be applied on an Ancestral Legendary Item that has its Tempering Slots filled out. Unique Items can be upgraded with Masterworking right away, as tempering does not apply to them. Each item has 12 upgrade slots. On upgrade Ranks 4, 8, and 12, a random affix is increased in value by 25%. Every other upgrade Rank applies a 5% increase to all affixes on an item. Attempt to apply the bonus 25% upgrade to your preferred affix multiple times by resetting the Masterworking Ranks to repeat the process.

Obol Gambling

Obol gambling is a great way to potentially find item upgrades or items missing from your build. Use Obols on your target equipment for a chance to receive Greater Affixes. Check out the new tool from Icy Veins for gambling Obols in the link below.

Obol Gambling Optimization Tool


  • May 15th, 2024: Priority Affixes updated with game changes made since the Season 4 PTR.
  • May 14th, 2024: Guide updated for Season 4 (Patch 1.4.0).
  • February 5th, 2024: Seneschal Construct Companion Powers section updated with an optional setup for construct damage.
  • January 28th, 2024: Seneschal Construct Companion Powers section updated.
  • January 22nd, 2024: Guide updated for Season 3 (Patch 1.3.0).
    • Seneschal Construct Companion Powers section added.
    • Barrier Generation updated in the Stat Priority List due to the ProtectionProtection passive bug fix.
  • November 15th, 2023: Paragon Board images added.
  • November 9th, 2023: Tal Rasha's Iridescent LoopTal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop added to Unique Item section.
  • November 1st, 2023: Resistances added to Stat Priority List and Gem sections.
  • October 26th, 2023:
    • Minor adjustment to Aspect priority.
    • New item, Tibault's WillTibault’s Will, added to Unique Item section.
  • October 17th, 2023: Guide updated for Season 2 (Patch 1.2.0).
  • September 18th, 2023: Build Requirements section added.
  • July 18th, 2023: Guide updated for Season 1.
  • June 28th, 2023: New video guide added.
  • June 27th, 2023: New Paragon video covering the entire setup added.
  • June 21st, 2023: Made several updates.
    • Frostblitz AspectFrostblitz Aspect added after discovering Enhanced Frost NovaEnhanced Frost Nova reduces Cooldowns twice as much while having 2 maximum stacks.
    • Mana ShieldMana Shield Level 3 included in Skill Tree for more survivability.
    • Frost NovaFrost Nova reduced by 2 Levels and ProtectionProtection reduced by 1 Level.
    • The Telestomp variant has been created and added to the bottom of the page.
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