d4DruidEndgameGuideMinionsseason 4

Wolf Companion Endgame Druid Build for Diablo 4 (Season 4)

Master the Beasts of Sanctuary with our Wolf Companion Druid




Theorycrafter, Bear Lover, Build Maker, and A...

Updated: Posted:

WolvesPoison CreeperRavensEarthen BulwarkBlood HowlStorm Strike

Build Introduction

The Wolf Companion Druid build will focus on using WolvesWolves as the main source of single target damage, with Poison CreeperPoison Creeper and RavensRavens dealing AoE damage and used as clearing skills. This build uses Blood HowlBlood Howl as the main defensive, as well as utilizing TrampleTrample to be able to get out of sticky situations.

If you are looking for a build that lets you focus on your companions and have them do the killing, all while you are able to stay back and tank any damage that may hit you, then this is the build for you.

This endgame build guide assumes your character is at least Level 50. Check the Druid Leveling Guide if you need help getting there.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Build is not Spirit dependent
  • Minions will kill everything while you are at range
  • Strong defensive layering
  • No Core Skill; not cooldown dependent
  • Reliant on Companions living
  • Lacks strong AoE clear

To see how this build compares to the other builds on our site, you can check out our build tier lists.

Build Requirements

Required Uniques
Required Legendary Aspects

Skill Bar and Skill Tree Points

Suggested Skill Bar
Blood Howl Blood Howl Poison Creeper Poison Creeper Wolves Wolves Ravens Ravens Maul Maul Trample Trample

Follow the points allocated in the Skill Tree above for the complete 58-point build. The additional 10 skill points are completed using the Renown system.

Spirit Boons – The Druid Specialization

Below is the order in which you should unlock your Spirit Boons. Only offer enough Druidic Spirit Offerings to unlock the first four listed Boons and then fully unlock the rest to activate the final Boon with Spirit Bonding.

Boon NameAnimalEffect
BolsterWolfFortify for 25% of your Maximum Life when you use a Defensive Skill.
Scythe TalonsEagleGain 10% increased Critical Strike Chance.
WarinessStagTake 15% reduced damage from Elites.
OverloadSnakeLucky Hit: Dealing Lightning damage has up to a 20% chance to cause the target to emit a static discharge, dealing 20% Lightning damage to surrounding enemies.
Swooping AttacksEagleGain 15% Attack Speed.

Paragon Board

We recommend using the following Legendary nodes and Rare Glyphs to truly take this build into the endgame. Note that each Rare Glyph’s information and radius listed below is for the Level 21 version.

Click this link to see the Paragon Board in its entirety! Paragon Board images are courtesy of d4builds.gg.

1. Starting Board

For the Starting Board, path up and place the WerebearWerebear Glyph into the Glyph Socket.

2. Heightened Malice

For the second board, choose Heightened Malice, placed against the Starting Board. Socket the SpiritSpirit Glyph into the Glyph Socket.

3. Inner Beast

For the third Board, choose Inner Beast, placed against the left side of Heightened Malice. Socket the WildsWilds Glyph into the Glyph Socket, making sure to take all of the Intellect nodes to increase our Wolves Damage.

4. Lust For Carnage

For the fourth board choose Lust For Carnage placed against the bottom of Inner Beast. Socket the KeeperKeeper Glyph into the Glyph Socket.

5. Constricting Tendrils

For the fifth board choose Constricting Tendrils placed against the left side of Lust for Carnage. Socket the ExploitExploit Glyph into the Glyph Socket making sure to take all of the Dexterity nodes to increase our Vulnerable damage.

6.Survival Instincts

For the sixth board choose Survival Instincts placed along the top of Constricting Tendrils. Socket the PoisePoise Glyph into the Glyph Socket.

7.Ancestral Guidance

For the seventh board choose Ancestral Guidance placed along the top of Heightened Malice. Socket the ProtectorProtector Glyph into the Glyph Socket.

Gear, Gems, Elixirs, and Stats

The Season of Loot Reborn brings us an incredible shift in how gear and itemization are done. It is major and will affect the game beyond Season 4’s confines. For further details, make sure to read our Tempering and Masterworking section below.

Legendary Aspects

Each aspect is listed with its matching gear slot. Do your best to keep each aspect in the assigned slot. Additionally, if you are trying to farm a specific item, we recommend using your Obols to target farm them!

Gear SlotGemsAspect / UniqueLegendary Aspect / Unique Power
Royal RubyRoyal Ruby
Skinwalker's AspectSkinwalker’s Aspect
When you use a Shapeshifting Skill that changes your form, gain {#} Life. If you are at full Life, gain the same amount as Fortify.
ChestRoyal RubyRoyal RubyAspect of Fevered MaulingAspect of Fevered MaulingWhen you hit at least 1 enemy with Maul, increase its Attack Speed by [1 – 2.5%] and you gain [1 – 4%] Damage reduction for 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
GlovesN/AAspect of the WildrageAspect of the Wildrage
Your Companions gain the bonuses from the Bestial Rampage Key Passive.
PantsRoyal RubyRoyal RubyStorm's CompanionStorm’s CompanionYour Wolf Companions are infused with the power of the storm, dealing Lightning damage and gaining the Storm Howl ability.
BootsN/AAspect of Concussive StrikesAspect of Concussive StrikesLucky Hit: Damaging an enemy has up to a 20% chance to Daze them for 2 seconds. You deal x [5 – 20%] increased damage to Dazed enemies.
Amulets(50% bonus)Royal DiamondRoyal Diamond
Aspect of the StampedeAspect of the Stampede
Gain 1 additional Companion. In addition, your Companion Skills deal {X – X%} bonus damage.
RingRoyal DiamondRoyal Diamond
Aspect of Inner CalmAspect of Inner Calm
Deal x [5 – 10%] increased damage. Triple this bonus after standing still for 3 seconds.
RingRoyal DiamondRoyal DiamondNighthowler's AspectNighthowler’s AspectBlood Howl increases Critical Strike Chance by +[5 – 10]%. In addition, Blood Howl also affects Nearby Companions and Players for 3 seconds.
2 Handed WeaponRoyal EmeraldRoyal EmeraldAspect of the AlphaAspect of the AlphaYour Wolf Companions are now Werewolf Companions. Werewolf Companions deal {75 – 100%} additional damage and can spread RabiesRabies.


See below for a more detailed explanation of the best Gems to socket into your gear for each category.

Weapon GemsArmor GemsJewelry Gems
Royal EmeraldRoyal Emerald
For Increased Critical Strike Damage
Royal RubyRoyal Ruby
For increased Maximum Life.
Royal DiamondRoyal Diamond
Or Whatever Resist you need

Which Elixirs Should You Use?

Visit the Alchemist and craft an Elixir providing any Resistance you need most, the Elixir of Precision IIElixir of Precision II to increase Crit and Crit Damage for bossing, or the Elixir of Holy BoltsElixir of Holy Bolts to increase Clear speed. Some Elixirs cannot be crafted and only drop from things like Helltides or Nightmare Dungeons. Additionally, make sure to keep your health potion upgraded!

Stat Priority and Tempering Affixes

Below are the affixes to prioritize on gear. Each line of affixes is listed in order of importance. Affixes on the same line are considered to be equally important, but their benefits may vary depending on how much is stacked or other character stats. Tempering Manuals and their recommended affixes are provided in the second column, and the bolded affixes are the most important targets for Masterworking upgrades. To masterwork, you will need rare materials that only drop from The Pit. Be sure to check our Tempering guide, our Masterworking guide, as well as our guide about The Pit for more details about these topics.

Additionally, there are several very specific affixes that are required to make the build work.

SlotTargeted Gear AffixesTempering Affixes
Helm1. Ranks to Wolves
2. Willpower
Companion InnovationCompanion Innovation: [13 – 17.5%] Wolves Attack Speed
Shapeshifting EnduranceShapeshifting Endurance:[8 – 10%] Blood Howl Cooldown Reduction
Chest1. Ranks to Blood Howl
2. Willpower
3. Maximum Life/Armor
Companion InnovationCompanion Innovation: [13 – 17.5%] Wolves Attack Speed
Shapeshifting EnduranceShapeshifting Endurance:[8 – 10%] Blood Howl Cooldown Reduction
Gloves1. % Critical Strike Chance
2. % Attack Speed
3. Willpower
Companion FinesseCompanion Finesse: [82.5 – 105%] Wolves Damage
Companion InnovationCompanion Innovation: [13 – 17.5%] Wolves Attack Speed
PantsStorm's CompanionStorm’s Companion
1. Ranks to Wolves
2. Damage Reduction
Boots1. Willpower
2. % Movement Speed
3. Maximum Life/Armor
Natural MotionNatural Motion: [8 – 12.5%] Movement Speed
Companion InnovationCompanion Innovation: [13 – 17.5%] Wolves Attack Speed
Amulet1. Ranks to Call of the Wild
2. % Willpower/Ranks to Envenom (if over 50% Crit)
3. % Critical Strike Chance
Companion FinesseCompanion Finesse: [82.5 – 105%] Wolves Damage
Companion EfficiencyCompanion Efficiency: [23.5 – 32.5%] Wolves Cooldown Reduction
Rings1. % Critical Strike Chance
2. % Attack Speed
3. Willpower
Companion FinesseCompanion Finesse: [82.5 – 105%] Wolves Damage
Companion EfficiencyCompanion Efficiency: [23.5 – 32.5%] Wolves Cooldown Reduction
2H-Weapons 1. Willpower
2. % Damage
3. % Critical Strike Damage
Companion FinesseCompanion Finesse: [82.5 – 105%] Wolves Damage
Elemental SurgeElemental Surge: Any of them as a proc for our wolves

Keep in mind that the maximum Resistance is 70% by default for each element and can be increased to 85% by various sources.

Rotation and Playstyle

Our damage rotation is actually a priority system and it is the same for AoE and Single Target situations:

  1. Use WolvesWolves on Cooldown;
  2. Use MaulMaul to stack attack speed and damage reduction;
  3. Use Poison CreeperPoison Creeper on Cooldown;
  4. Use Blood HowlBlood Howl on cooldown (stay in Werewolf form for 2 seconds to gain Bestial RampageBestial Rampage buff);
  5. Use TrampleTrample if you need to escape a pack or gain the Bestial RampageBestial Rampage buff by staying in it for 2 seconds;
  6. Use RavensRavens for additional damage in a clumped pack.

Make sure to check out the advanced Build Mechanics section for a more in-depth description of how the build works, what synergies exist, and what to look out for.

Uniques and Uber Uniques

Below you will find information on Uniques and Uber Uniques that are useful for this build. Moreover, if you are interested in target farming Uber Uniques, check out our How to Farm Uber Uniques guide.


Listed below are the recommended and optional Unique Items for this build.

Uber Uniques

The information below lists our recommendations for which Uber Uniques will work best with this build and which Aspects they should replace. Uber Uniques can start dropping from monsters Level 55 or higher and will always drop at 925 item power. If a Unique or Uber Unique is not listed here, it is NOT recommended and won’t benefit this specific build in any way.

Season 4: Loot Reborn

The following list details the changes in the Season 4 Update (Patch 1.4.0) that may pertain to Druid.

  • Necromancer, Barbarian, Druid, and Sorcerer Companions now receive 100% of the player’s attributes.
  • Packleader
    • Cooldown reset chance increased from 20% to 25%.
  • Wolves
    • Wolves now gain Unstoppable when the Skill is cast.
    • Health increased by 200%.
    • Respawn reduced from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Nighthowler’s
    • Previous – Blood Howl increases Critical Strike Chance by 5-10%. In addition, Blood Howl also affects Nearby Companions and Players for 3 seconds.
    • Now – Blood Howl is now a Shout Skill and increases Critical Strike Chance by 5-10%. In addition, Blood Howl also affects Nearby Companions and Players for 3 seconds.
  • Call of the Wild
    • Damage increased from 10% to 12%.
  • Storm’s Companion
    • Ranks of Wolves increased from 2–3 to 4–5.
    • Storm Howl damage increased by 180%.

Mid Season Update Patch 1.4.3:

  • Toxic Claws
    • Poisoning amount increased from 8/15/23% to 12/24/36% of the Skill’s Base damage.
  • Quickshift
    • Maximum damage bonus increased from 6/12/18%[x] to 8/16/24%[x].
  • Defensive Posture
    • Previous – Increases the amount of Fortify you gain from all sources by 5/10/15%[+].
    • Now – Increases the amount of Fortify you gain from all sources by 5/10/15%[+] and you gain 3/6/9% Damage Reduction while Fortified.
  • Mending
    • Previous – While in Werebear form, you receive 6/12/18%[+] additional Healing from all sources.
    • Now – While in Werebear form, you receive 6/12/18%[+] additional Healing from all sources and gain 4/8/12%[x] increased Maximum Life.
  • Aspect of the Alpha
    • Werewolf Companion damage increased from 85-115%[x] to 100-130%[x].
  • Bolster
    • Fortify amount increased from 15% to 25% of your Maximum Life.
  • Scythe Talons
    • Critical Strike Chance increased from 5%[+] to 10%[+].
  • Swooping Attacks
    • Attack Speed increased from 10%[+] to 15%[+].

Advanced Information

Build Mechanics

This is one of the easiest builds you will play! Poison CreeperPoison Creeper and Wind ShearWind Shear are used to poison packs of mobs to slow enemies and increase our Crit damage against them, while our WolvesWolves will be Run around and kill everything using the active on elites. To finish things off, RavensRavens are used as a bit of extra damage for both single-target and AoE. Ravens also provide increased Critical Strike Chance against enemies that have recently been hit by them. Call of the WildCall of the Wild is taken to increase the damage of all Companions.


Below, you will find every additional piece of information you need to know for a more in-depth look at this build.

For defensive layering, Blood HowlBlood Howl is taken for a way to provide sustain with a self-heal and comes with a bonus damage increase. When it comes to Talents VigilanceVigilance, and Ancestral FortitudeAncestral Fortitude both increase survivability even more by increasing Damage Reduction and Resistances.

Paragon Information

The Paragon Board is a progression system unlocked at Level 50, giving player power through Common stat Nodes, Magic affix Nodes, Rare leveled Glyphs, and Legendary board-exclusive Nodes. For general paragon board information, check the guide here.

The recommended Paragon boards with images for the Wolf Companion Druid Build are listed above. The following section goes over some explanation and descriptions for the pathing process for the Wolf Companion Druid Build.

Broadly speaking, decisions for pathing through the Druid paragon board are divided into three categories:

  • Damage – The paragon boards provide a significant amount of Damage Multipliers and Additives. This includes:
  • Defense – The paragon boards help reach goals on Damage Reduction, Armor, and Resistances. This includes:
    • Damage Reduction is improved from nodes like Nature-bornNature-born.
    • Resistances are improved from Magic and Rare Resistance nodes like Poison ResiliencePoison Resilience.
  • Build Functionality – The paragon boards improve our build functionality by including the following nodes:
    • The Legendary Node Constricting TendrilsConstricting Tendrils allows our nature skills to immobilize our enemies and increases our damage.

Obol Gambling

Obol gambling is a great way to potentially find item upgrades or items missing from your build. Check out the new tool from Icy Veins for gambling Obols in the link below:

Obol Gambling Optimization Tool


  • June 17th, 2024: Updated for Season 4 Midseason (Patch 1.4.3)
  • May 10th, 2024: Updated for Season 4 (Patch 1.4.0)
  • January 22nd, 2024: Updated for Season 3 (Patch 1.3.0)
  • October 17th, 2023: Updated for Season 2 (Patch 1.2.0)
  • August 7th, 2023: Updated for patch 1.1.1.
  • July 27th, 2023: Clarified the Aspects required to transition to this build, in the Build Requirements section.
  • July 23rd, 2023: Updated Gems section to reflect the presence of Malignant Hearts.
  • July 18th, 2023: Updated for Season 1, adding Malignant Hearts to the guide. Added Active Skill Bar.
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