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Its looking like arcane is what were going to play in BRF. Should I go ahead and rechant mastery?

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Title says it all. Its looking like arcane is going to be the best play with the gear item stats. Should I just go ahead and rechat my gear to mastery and make the switch to prepare or stick to frost until more of the mastery pieces start flowing in?

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Personally I'm playing frost and rolling on gear that has mastery in it . I will do (or try to do) the change to arcane when i have more pieces.

Damage wise would be better to stick to frost , but you could change to arcane just to get a little more experience with it.
It's your choice :)

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I feel like arcane is a specc you will never feel comfortable with unless you are always 1-2 steps ahead.


You can't just pop AM whenever it proccs or use arcane barrage if you're about to move.

The most difficult thing to master will be mana management/RoP uptime on movement-bosses.


Sure, some would say get a different talent on movement-bosses but I feel like it's possible to make RoP worth it if you are some steps ahead of the boss.


If you're into that, go for it biggrin.png

Edited by causevha

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My suggestion is to make arcane your off-spec and practice it in lfr/guild alt runs. Then when you feel comfortable with arcane you can make the full switch to your gear.


Some people make the mistake of trying to play flavor of the month when they're not mentally prepared to switch.

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I am not sure why there is this assumption that arcane will be the go to spec.. based on a lot of what I am reading.. between the buff to incineration (from 5 to 15% crit from all sources), the gear that drops, the tier bonuses, plus upcoming boss mechanics, I am conviced that fire will be spec.  Arcane might work on some normal fights.. and 2 or 3 heroic.. fire will simple do more damage, more reliably, and will not suffer from movement like arcane does (and the fact is, movement screws arcane A LOT.. especially if you are not a master of the spec).

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I am not sure why there is this assumption that arcane will be the go to spec.. based on a lot of what I am reading.. between the buff to incineration (from 5 to 15% crit from all sources), the gear that drops, the tier bonuses, plus upcoming boss mechanics, I am conviced that fire will be spec.  Arcane might work on some normal fights.. and 2 or 3 heroic.. fire will simple do more damage, more reliably, and will not suffer from movement like arcane does (and the fact is, movement screws arcane A LOT.. especially if you are not a master of the spec).

The incineration increase was to compensate the nerf to Pyroblast!. ^^

There is no "the one to go spec". You go with the one, which is the most appropriate for the current encounter.

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I was speaking in the parlance of hierarchy.  while fire won't be the stand alone best spec, I believe fire will be.. over the course of this tier, the consistent power spec.  Especially as people aquire tier gear, and BRF heroic items.

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I was speaking in the parlance of hierarchy.  while fire won't be the stand alone best spec, I believe fire will be.. over the course of this tier, the consistent power spec.  Especially as people aquire tier gear, and BRF heroic items.

And then, Blizzard will nerf it back, to keep it on the same level as the other 2 specs. :)

Just as it has been happening in the last few expansions.

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Arcane scales harder in low movement fights and some medium movement fights, but the three specs are close enough that what is best comes down to itemization and player skill. Even with the sparser frost itemization I expect frost mains to stay frost, and arcane mages to qq about how much movement is in BRF.

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I'm currently not having issues with movement in heroic BFR as arcane. For all of the fights I have done I would rank mythic twins harder.

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I would guess that since the majority of the fights in BRF have adds/multiple targets, Fire or Frost will probably be at the top of the logs.  This is not to say that Arcane won't be competitive, single target, but I think multiple targets will cause it to be lower in total damage.

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I would guess that since the majority of the fights in BRF have adds/multiple targets, Fire or Frost will probably be at the top of the logs.  This is not to say that Arcane won't be competitive, single target, but I think multiple targets will cause it to be lower in total damage.


Depends on the number of targets. Arcane has amazing cleave on 2 or 3 target fights and frost is the same way. Fire goes way ahead if there's packs of 5 or more.

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I think if you go full mastery you can pretty much do half the fights as arcane and the other half as fire. Gruul, Oregoreger, Flamebender, Kromog and Blackhand are all good for arcane from the looks of it, while Blast Furnace, Hans'gar and Franzok, Darmac, Thogar and Iron Maidens should be good fire encounters. In full multistrike/haste gear i absolutely wrecked meters last night as fire on Blast Furnace, it was awesome :D

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