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  4. We're definitely getting comments back at some point. It's not just you that want them back 😄
  5. It went something like "Discover specialties in celebration of WoW's 20th anniversary on Amazon". Was really funny. It was a German ad. Don't know if there's an English version too.
  6. Hey Moridin, there certainly are some good ones you can run with Backstab as your primary damage, the only real changes to make it a Backstab focused build like you'd mentioned is you threw Cutthroat on your Gloves and Slaughter from the Shadows on your chest and then ran the talents below. This build can be especially strong when you find yourself with the 3 piece bonus from the Veiled Shadows set.
  7. Just found your post, awesome work and very usefull. However I can't see the Chronicle Vol. 3? Is there a reason for it??
  8. It honestly sort of boggles the mind to know that, apparently, Icy is genuinely willing to let this function of the site be indefinitely missing. One has to assume they could have reverted back to the old site format at any time, which had full functionality and worked perfectly and which no one complained about. They've chosen to keep this new site format, which no one asked for, and which is literally broken. From an end user standpoint, it just doesn't make any sense.
  9. The ability to discuss an article on the same page as the article is what was so great about this place. Most of the game info can be found in many places on the internet, so there's nothing special about that aspect. I've been considering just having my account deleted here because I only pop in to see if the comments are fixed. Seems pointless to bother as they have had MONTHS to fix this and the writing is on the wall, icy veins had no intention of preserving comments on article pages.
  10. Are there any alternative builds that use backstab as the main damage spell? I noted there is two very good passive runes that modify backstab and ambush to be much cheaper and capable of use without being behind the target. I'd like to see what thoughts folks have on builds that work around this setup.
  11. Last week
  12. Guest

    Protection Warrior PvE

    Sounds contradictory with the weaknesses...
  13. hi thanks 🙂 that seems to have fixed it
  14. Guest

    Warlock Quests

    There's a mistake regarding the Felhunter quest: the Moldy Tome is not in the Wetlands but in southern Hillsbrad, around the Murloc area. The Wetlands are only needed later for the Dragonmaw orcs, as correctly pointed out later on.
  15. Hey Guys! New season incoming! 🎉 We're looking for new folks to join us for raids and dungeons. If you know anyone who wants to jump in, send them our way! Let’s make this season awesome together! We are located in EU Server For raids we are planing on doing Wednesdays and Sundays Guild Discord: https://discord.gg/CMFmMF3A6Z Guild Leader Discord: Discord: allemur Cheers! Alena
  16. I came here to say this. The written guide needs updating to reflect skill tree placement/skill no longer used - including warmode talents; e.g. Totem of Wrath is available at level 50, not 20 and Volcanic Surge no longer exists.
  17. The second Album from Pulse has officially released! Find out the songs available and how to purchase it! Final Fantasy XIV's Pulse Remix Album Vol. 2 is now available to purchase as a digital download! This version will contain the following Tracks: Bee My Honey (Remixed by Takafumi Imamura) Good King Moggle Mog XII (Remixed by Daiki Ishikawa) Pa-Paya (Remixed by Daiki Ishikawa) Civilizations (Remixed by Saya Yasaki) Insatiable (Remixed by Shoya Sunakawa) You can have a look at the various songs through the Official video: T
  18. Joanasi

    Delves Guides

    Regarding the Delver's Dirigible Guide, it states that unlocking it is straightforward and after achieving level 80, the player will be able to obtain the Bountiful Delves quest to unlock the mount. This information appears to be inaccurate as after achieving level 80, this quest is not available to me and seems to be part of a larger questline, possibly post main campaign from what I can tell.
  19. With the latest drop in player count, Final Fantasy XIV returns with a free login Campaign! The free login Campaign in Final Fantasy XIV is always a good way to let inactive players enjoy the latest content of the game, without having to buy a month of subscription! The campaign will be running from Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 12:00 a.m. to Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 6:59 a.m. (PST). The free login campaign will give you access to Four Days in game for free. The counter begins when you first log back into the launcher. Eligibility: In order to be eligible for the
  20. I totally misunderstood your original comment - I apologize for this. Yeah, this was an oversight on my part - the points you see in improved Sinister Strike are intended for Improved Backstab/an extra point in the dodge chance to get to the next tier of talents as you won't really be casting Sinister Strike especially with the addition of the new Rune broker. You should see this updated to reflect this soon.
  21. Partly, however the guide tells us to use Mutilate and not Saber Slash, so to improve sinister strike while the main attack is Mutilate is confusing 🙂
  22. When you click on Mythic+ & Raids in the menu, it will take you to the dungeon guide.
  23. Hey Fest! So Mutilate benefits from all the talents that modify Mutilate, hence taking Improved Backstab since the guide recommends Mutilate for leveling. Fun fact, talents that improve Sinister Strike will also impact Saber Slash. I hope this answers your question.
  24. Could a link to this guide be added to the War Within drop-down menu, please? Thank you.
  25. Any idea when the keybind section will be setup? It's been really great having a look at those in all the guides for the crossbar keybindings.
  26. I started a new character i got nothing from the old season i just play its getting 🥱 bored The same platforms day in day out no Extension no nothing
  27. <Sanguine Debitum> is recruiting for all content, (all times are in pacific standard) rteam 1: wed/thurs 6-9pm, rteam 2: fri/sat 6-9pm, casual: sun 7-8pm. We are looking for All specs/classes. Forming dedicated M+ and ranked pvp teams as well. PM for more You can reach out to either myself, Btag: Turtlemanj#11330, Discord: jturtleman (officer). You may also reach out to {Btag Malicor#11573 (Guild/Raid Leader) , Discord: Malicorbaal Guild Discord: https://discord.gg/GBsUCGR3zw
  28. The Zenless Zone Zero Special program for version 1.5 will be live soon! Here is everything you need to know about it! The upcoming Version of Zenless Zone Zero will be titled Astra-nomical Moment! The Special program for 1.5 will go live on January 10, 2025 at 19h30 (UTC+8) / 12:30 CET. You will be able to watch the broadcast on the Zenless Zone Zero official channels: ZZZ Official Youtube Channel ZZZ Official Twitch Channel During this livestream, the Zenless Zone Zero developers will present all the upcoming content planned for version 1.5, and the special rewa
  29. Is the combat rogue DPS build supposed to show Improved Backstab instead of Improved Sinister Strike? The same build is shown for the leveling combat rogue build, while using Mutilate. Very confusing. Is it the wrong build shown?
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