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[US-Shu'halo][A] <Sneakier Than Intended> just starting out and currently recruiting fun/social people

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You're here because you're interested. So I am going to cut to the chase.


Sneakier Than Intended was created with the intentions of building a community with players who are fun, social, active and play WoW. We aren't hardcore raiders or pvpers. We dabble in both, but there is no teams. That doesn't mean we won't make any teams in the future. We need more members before we even think about doing any of that. We will be doing guild events as the guild grows; even allowing outsiders to join in. We do random things together: PvP, Old/New raids, LFR, Dungeons, War Games - basically anything we can come up with, we'll do as long as it's not degrading or goes against Blizz's ToS. 


Ask yourselves:

Do you want a stress free enviroment?

Do you like to get help and also help others?

Are you social and like people who are just as social as you are?

Do you want to be more than just a name on a roster?

Is community first, while guild perks, repairs and free loot is last?

Do you like to laugh, tell jokes or want to hang out with hilarious people?


If you've said yes to at least 80% of these questions, then this is the guild for you. 


I, as the GM will always be as equal as my members and only use my GM privlages to maintain the guild. When you join Sneakier Than Intended, you are Sneakier Than Intended. You are what makes this guild possible.


Want to take a chance with us and be a part of our growth? Then contact anyone from the guild. At least one of us is online everyday or if you want to directly speak to me, you may add my battletag wangchung#1897


The guild looks forward to having you with us <3


Edited by Pvris

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We're going to make a fun oriented raid team that isn't about progress and more about learning the fights together. We won't worry about progress until we have a decent raid team. If you're a person who likes learning mechanics via during a raid, this will be perfect for you. Just be advised that this is a learning experience. :D If interested, please let me know in game (Pvris <--- Toon name) or here on Icy-Veins.

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