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[US-MalGanis][H] Seraph's First Blood 10/10H

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First Blood of the guild Seraph on Mal'Ganis is looking for new recruits to lift off !

Progression : 10/10 Heroic Blackrock Foundry

Our Goals : This raid team will strive to be a progression raiding team on a 9 hours per week schedule. We are going to be seeking like-minded individuals who are prepared to put in the effort for the challenge that is Mythic raiding, while at the same time, creating a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.

Raid Times : Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday from 7 PM to 10:00 PM CST

We will be using Loot Council for the item distribution system.

We are currently looking for : 

Warlock : Very High 
Balance Druid : Very High 
Holy Paladin : Very High
Ret Paladin : Very High
Death Knight : High
Rogue : High
Shadow Priest : Medium
Hunter : Medium
Elemental Shaman : Medium

What we ask of our raiders :

- Know what mechanics are coming and be ready to fill a specific role for the fight. Always assume that you are going to be chosen for it and know what to do.

- Know your class ; Research what you can do on specific fights to be better. Talents, movement, spell usage, etc.

- A good mentality ; When you make a mistake, own up to it and get better. If advice is given, take it as constructive criticism and learn.

What you can expect from us :

- Being part of a huge guild (8 raid teams) there are always people to hang out with and you can rarely get bored.

- An understanding that sometimes, real life will impact attendance. Let us know in advance if you have to miss a raid night !

- There are always good resources to talk to as far as classes and encounters go, we love to nerd it up and improve ourselves. You will find discussion on the forums and guildies are helpful when asked for pointers.

- Expect us to be prepared and be held on the same standards that I mentioned earlier about knowledge.

For more information on the guild as a whole and applying to our raid team look up seraphguild.com and specify First Blood (Raid 6) as the team you want to join !

Reach the officer team for more specifics at :

Munich#1581 Raid Leader
Parvo#1497 Raid Leader

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Would also like to reiterate some points, we are one of eight raid teams in our guild, we also have around 500 unique accounts in guild, plus an alt guild since we cant fit most alts in our main guild. since there are a large amount of raiders along with just members in guild there are always raids going on, as we like to put it we are our own server, we never have to pug outside of guild to get runs going.


To point out our own raid team we are fairly new around 5 weeks old (which i think adds a little to our charm) ;), with that being said we cleared heroic BRF in a month with just under 2 nights on blast furnace and just over 2 nights on Blackhand with a large part of us never seeing the fights before.


We are going to be a mythic progression raid team, so if you think this team fits you perfectly then head on over to seraphguild.com and drop an app today! We will see you there!

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