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crafting advice needed: cenarius, mal gavis or antonidas?

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Basically I need some insights as to how important they are to their own respective class.

And it's my first post here so a little introduction. I'm a new hearthstone player from HK and nice to meet you all. Got to Around rank 11 in a week, however I got up to rank 13 with a face hunter build. Midrange granted but I still felt I'm missing out the fun and games mechanics by just stacking up wins and ranks.

The builds on this site helped me a lot. after learning more about the cards I'll craft my own deck and head into arena.

So far the legendary cards I have are leeroy (my first, that's why face hunters), tirion fording (wanted to try out paladin but missing a ton of epic and rare cards), sylvanas and crafted Dr boom by dusting captain Green skin and Hogger. Aside from face hunter, the mid range zoo is also one of my more effective decks. I basically draw and crafted everything I want for my warlock and druid (just missing force of nature) and mage (a few rares)

The decks I'm interested in trying are grinder and tempo mage. And also love the fast and ramp druids very much.

Which of these 3 legendary should I go for first? Or maybe I should invest in other generic ones like rag and Jones

Thanks in advance guys

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All of the legendary cards you name are great for their respective classes. I imagine you'll eventually get all 3, so I would pick whichever one makes you the most excited to start with. You also can't go wrong with the generic legendaries that you could use with multiple decks. Ragnaros, Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Onyxia can all be game changers. 


You mentioned that you don't have Force of Nature yet. You may actually want to craft it first, along with other strong epic or rare cards, as having multiple strong cards will have a greater effect on your deck(s) than one legendary card. Plus you could start using the Force of Nature plus Savage Roar combo. But it sounds like you may already have all the other non-legendary cards you want.


The Legend of the Innkeeper podcast just did an episode about crafting legendary cards. You can check it out here: http://www.legendoftheinnkeeper.com/loti-048-crafting-legendary-cards/ 


Maybe you'll find it helpful. Whatever you choose, have fun! 

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I just love dropping Rag onto the board. Rag was a lucky pull for me from a pack. The other benefit to Rag is that he can fit in lots of different decks.

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Crafting Legendaries is definitely alot of fun, but I've found from my short experience in Hearthstone ( about 8 months now ) that crafting the Neutral ones worked out better for me in the long run versus crafting a class specific, as for a month or two I may play exclusively Warlock but then switch to Druid/Warrior/etc .  There are definitely certain neutral Legendaries that fit into alot of decks, such as Sylvanas, Boom, Rag, etc. Although Darb above had a great point that if you are interested in playing Druid decks having Force of Nature ( or even better 2 ) is WELL worth your investment as they are a staple in alot of different Druid decks. In the end if you enjoy it you'll end up crafting quite a bit as you go so just have fun with it ! Happy Hunting!

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