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Affliction trinket buff

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Hello all!


If you haven't already heard, the Affliction version of the class trinket is in the process of being buffed significantly. Here are the juicy details:



Now, I'm all for Affliction buffs after the nasty 2pc nerf we received right before 6.2 went live. However, this might be a bad thing. At the current state of the class trinket's power, you were already refreshing dots far more often than you wanted. Now with this new buff, the effects on our playstyle will be radically changed. Single target you'd hardly have time to weave Drain Soul in between dots. Two targets, you probably will be hard pressed to maintain 100% uptime on your dots with the unmanageability of the constant refreshing. At three targets, everything just flies out the window.


This could mean that the Class Trinket is no longer considered "good" for Affliction.


Thoughts? Someone please tell me I'm panicking and have no clue what I'm talking about!

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Unless I am mistaken then this will be a 18 to 21.6% change and hence really quite a small change in the length of the DoTs. However, I do not like that design anyhow and this just makes it worse.

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That would be quite a bit better than what I thought. I assumed it was going for 18 to 38%, which would be obscene. Your thoughts seem to be more realistic. But still, I'm not a fan of the "buff".

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