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Ladder warrior?

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I'm curious as to which warrior deck is strongest in the current meta.  Patron, Control, something else entirely?


Which is better, and why?  I'd love to hear people's thoughts!

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You can also look at meta snapshots at other websites which will tell you the top tier decks on the ladder. According to Tempo Storm patron warrior is Tier 2 slightly higher than control warrior.

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Patron Warrior is much stronger thanks to Secret Pally as it is a favourable matchup. Sadly, Patron Warrior is a hard deck and learning how to properly play it can take some time. 

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Then there is Fatigue warrior. There are also not-so-competitive decks, such as Aggro Warrior, Mech Warrior, Dragon Warrior etc.

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There are a few Dragon Warriors running around at Legend but it's mostly Patron Warrior. Like Positv said, due to the out break in Secret Paladins, it is better suited to deal with them. My answer to Secret Paladins and the Freeze Mage, which I have been paired again more often than not, is Midrange / Control Hunter. Nothing says "F" your Secrets quite like Flare. 

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The strongest two warrior archetypes are definitely patron and control.  Patron is largely considered better because control warrior has abysmal match ups against mid range druid and secret paladin, who are dominate forces on the ladder currently.  If you don't run into many of those, I would suggest control, as it is much easier to play, and has better overall match ups.  But if you see tons of either secret paladins or mid range druid, go with patron, it has a very strong match up against mid range and a decent one against secret.


Edit:  You can also do fatigue or dragon as positiv said.  Dragon is really just a more proactive control warrior deck, it isn't in a terrible place but is definitely weaker then control and patron.  I would stay away from fatigue though. It has even more trouble with secret and mid range druid then control does.

Edited by VaraTreledees

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