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[Black Dragonflight][H]<Diamond Dogs> recruiting for Legion

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Hey all!

I'm the GM of a new guild called <Diamond Dogs> that is on the Black Dragonflight server, we're connected to Skullcrushre and Gul'dan.

About Us: We're a new guild, with a solid few founders that had decided to leave our previously guild to make a guild that wished to have a good, community atmosphere but also not hesitate to push ourselves to do higher content and better ourselves as players.
I'm a 11 year veteran of the game, and my officers don't have similar experience but no one has under 3 years of experience. We are all raiders who have cleared Heroic HFC.

We want to step into Legion and do Mythic raiding which is where you come in!

We can guarantee that if you are returning to the game, haven't raided in awhile or even are looking to learn. We are willing to teach if you are willing to learn. We can learn together.

For the first few people that choose to transfer and bolster, I'm willing to compensate them with a WoW token.

We have a community discord, currently working on the website (just got our hosting).
You can comment here, PM me here or access me on bnet at SpaceOwl#1993.

I hope you consider us.

Current Recruitment: Tanks (Full) Healers (Any class) DPS (Any class)

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