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Lost with demonology

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Hey there, fellow warlocks.

This week I changed guilds, and It seems I also changed my spot on recount, from top to bottom :(

Now that I got UVLS and Meta I've considered switching to demo, but it seems I can't really get the hang of it:

First, I don't know if my reforges are OK, should I go for some kind of haste plateau?

Also, I've got a bit of trouble with the rotation, I'm opening with:






-Soulfire w/ Molten Core

-Touch of Chaos

1st problem is: My first meta only lasts for a few seconds, enough for me to cast doom and a Soulfire/4 ToC, is this right or am I doing something wrong?

2nd one: If, during the opening, I get enough Molten Core procs to exhaust my demonic fury, I'm going to have to refresh Corruption manually. Should I pass on MC procs during first meta?

And, onto the last question, I find myself exhausting my Demonic Fury in no time during the AoE rotation, right now I'm popping Meta+Immo Aura+ Spam Voidray, should I be casting corruption on all targets while I'm not on meta?

Thanks guys, here's a link to my armory, just in case you need it: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/sanguino/Ilion/simple

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watch this video m8:

Sparkuggz from Method has explained very well both talents, stats and rotation with opener in this video for demonology

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I'm just having trouble with corruption when it's about to fall off and i have no reason to go into meta.

The guide here says I should cast it outside of meta, but when I do, I start losing a lot of dps.

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When ever corruption is about to fall off I always go into meta and cast touch of chaoes 3x and then drop out of meta and continue rotation

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When ever corruption is about to fall off I always go into meta and cast touch of chaoes 3x and then drop out of meta and continue rotation

And right after you drop out UVoLS procs because it's a troll like that. I always aim to stay in Demo for at least 8 seconds at a time so I don't miss out on an entire proc.

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And right after you drop out UVoLS procs because it's a troll like that. I always aim to stay in Demo for at least 8 seconds at a time so I don't miss out on an entire proc.

Don't go into meta unless you'll be in it for 5 seconds. I haven't updated simc in a week or two but it is a dps gain.

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And right after you drop out UVoLS procs because it's a troll like that. I always aim to stay in Demo for at least 8 seconds at a time so I don't miss out on an entire proc.

oh dear god, so true. i've wanted to scream at the monitor sooo bad for this. that trink is the reason i count to 8 secs before i drop back to regular mode; nothing worse than being stuck in normal mode watching that proc go away, never to see it again, lol

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When you get really comfortable with your rotation, you'll start weaving in your Hand of Guldan's before Corruption wears off. When your 2nd HoG is on its way to the face of your opponent, pop into Meta, cast off some DF with ToC and remain there until Meta comes completely off CD (full 10 seconds) to make sure that as close to 100% as possible of your Perfect Aim proc is spent with you in Metamorphosis. What you'll start to do seamlessly is buff your Shadowflame with Meta, reapply Doom either once or twice depending on how much time is left, then do one Touch of Chaos and drop back out of Meta. This will ensure 27 seconds of 100% critical Corruptions as well. While the damage isn't extremely noticeable, every little bit counts.

As long as you can react to Perfect Aim within 1 sec, you should ALWAYS get 3 globals off. They should be:

1) Doom

2) Doom (only if you will add at least 2 full ticks. For example, first Doom brings total time up to 100 seconds from 10. Second cast would bring duration up to 135 seconds...recast. Basically recast if your Doom time had 15 or less seconds when Perfect Aim procs)

3) Touch of Chaos

Immediately cancel Meta and there ya go.

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