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[US-Echo Isles] [A] <Spurious> 2/13H LF Heals and DPS

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Raid time: 7-10PM PST Monday, Wednesday, Thursday. (Possibly Sundays to work on progression if we have enough sign up)

Faction: Alliance

Progression: 2/12 HM (at final phase in Horridon who is going to die tonight)

LF: Lock, boomchicken (no spriest or mage,) melee dps (no rogue). Healer: druid preferred. We're looking for players with heroic experience and similar ilvl.

About the guild: We are a friendly and fun guild that tries to progress through current raid content. Our members are mostly working professionals. We focus on maintaining a friendly and respectful environment—no sexist, racist, or homophobic language is allowed in vent or in guild chat. Our guild is drama free and has been for years and we maintain a pretty consistent roster. Our biggest arguments are typically "no you take it."

While we are semi-hardcore (due mainly to raiding schedule), we focus on progression and have done fairly well considering our hours per week. We do not believe in recruiting for the bench. We run a tight roster so 85-90% attendance is expected (especially for the healer). Since we are a small guild, personality and synergy with the rest of the group is very important. We like to joke and have fun, but also know how to get serious when working on progression. Please also come with food, flasks, and with a well-researched knowledge of the current progression fights.

We do have several players who like to participate in PVP and other activities such as Challenge Modes, etc.

If you have any questions, please send a message to Orbits (orbits#1106) or apply at http://spurious.wowstead.com/, or ask in this thread.

Edited by PsilocinEI

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