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IP rage cost calculation WA

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Most Prot wars will have already imported the IP absorbtion WA like me but i also wanted a WA for IP rage consumption tracker. I am mostly using Vengeance+Ultimatum Talents.

since FR and IP are both off GCD i made a macro using both at the same time


/cast Focused Rage

/cast Ignore Pain

First Cast of the macro (no veng buff up) is min-max  40-60 rage (min-max 10-30rage if ultimatum is active)

after that u have the Veng:FR buff up making it cost min-max 25-45 rage ( min-max 10-30 rage with ultimatum)

i suggest to first use battle Cry-->Shield slam to trigger Ultimatum so u won't consume that much rage at the first cast of the macro.


So after this "small" introduction, my idea for the WA that tracks the rage of the next IP+FR (with Veng:FR active) is basicaly a progress bar for my rage and a dynamic grp that have models with a fixed size to match the rage size ( based on the size of the progress bar)  that will be consumed if i use my skills. there are also some invisible icons to be displayed to move the max rage model if i have more than enough rage

e.x. (with venge only, not ultimatum active)

progress bar has  width:300, height:30

min amount of rage that i will consume is 25 rage so the model has a fixed size of width:75, height:29 ( don't know why but the models have a little bigger height that my progress bar so i reduced their height by 1 to match the height of the progress bar) ( it will be shown when i have between 25-29 rage)

max rage that i will consume is 45 rage so the model has a fixed size of width:135.

when i have 50 or more rage, an invisible icon ( width:15) will "apear" (for every +5 rage i have, from 50 to 100 rage, e.x.  at 65 rage there will be 4 icons displayed to move the model) giving the illusion of movement to the max rage model.


Any1 can make a better version of this WA with some coding or have any suggestions for improvements?? 


Rage Bar: http://pastebin.com/LAG2T1ku

IP+FR rage tracker with Veng: http://pastebin.com/G004QmZZ

IP+FR rage tracker with Veng+Ultim:  http://pastebin.com/dncSccUq


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Can you please explain your macro exactly? It's so simple and maybe it's because it's late, but how does it work and prioritize FR or IP?


Also, what are the rage values where it maximizes rage use? 

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6 hours ago, kanyewest said:

Can you please explain your macro exactly? It's so simple and maybe it's because it's late, but how does it work and prioritize FR or IP?


Also, what are the rage values where it maximizes rage use? 

well IP rage cost can consume from 20-60 rage (with no veng talent) and 10-30 (with veng talent). so if i put first IP and then FR i will need to have the max rage cost of IP plus the rage of FR in order to use both.  60+15=75rage if IP is used without veng, and 30+15=45 rage if IP is used with Veng.

So if i put FR first, i will need FR's rage cost 30 (or 15 with veng) + at least the min amount of rage cost of IP.

WIthout veng:

min: 30+10=40 rage 

max:30+30=60 rage

with veng:

min: 15+10=25 rage

max: 15+30=45 rage

With the ultimatum talent i can start the fight with battle cry-->Shield slam so it will 100% crit, and i will have a 0 rage cost FR and it will trigger veng for IP .so the macro will cost: min-max 10-30 rage (every time ultimatum has proced).

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