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World Bosses in Legion

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The Broken Isles are a continent full of vicious challenges and mighty foes. The most powerful of them are the 11 new world bosses.

Unlike Warlords of Draenor, world bosses in Legion are going to remind you of the good old days of Mists of Pandaria or even vanilla! Here is a summary of what we know about them.

General Info

  • There are 11 world bosses in total, but only 1 of them will be active each week per realm. The selection is random.
  • The active world boss will always be the target of a World Quest. The World Quest will last several days, so you have time to kill it. Read Blainie's guide on World Quests here.
  • The group size to defeat these world bosses depends on your skill and patience. Some groups have managed to kill them with just 5 people and clever kiting. A raid of 20 people will need around 6 minutes to kill a world boss. To be comfortable, take a raid of 30+ players.
  • Each boss drops ilvl 860 gear for a specific slot (Head, Feet etc), a specific type of relic and either a ring, neck, trinket or cloak.
  • The drop chance seems to be low, most of the time you will probably get no loot. On the plus side, the World Quests for world bosses yield good rewards.
  • You are loot eligible once a week for each world boss.
  • 3 of them are in Stormheim, 2 in Highmountain, 2 in Azsuna, 2 in Val'sharah and one in Suramar. Ana-Mouz's location is unknown.


Ana-Mouz didn't grace us with her presence in the Beta, so we don't know much about her. The Adventurer's Journal states that "she uses various area-denial abilities to limit where enemies can safely stand and she summons Lesser Minions". This imp mother drops chests, a Fel relic and an Inscription recipe for a Vantus Rune.


inv_recipe_70_-scroll3star.gif Vantus Rune Technique: Tichondrius, inv_chest_cloth_raidwarlock_q_01.gif Sheer Felthreaded Robe, inv_leather_raiddemonhuntermythic_q_02ch Skimpy Demonleather Tunic, inv_chest_mail_raidshaman_q_01.gif Crop Top Chain Hauberk, inv_chest_plate_raidwarriormythic_q_01.g Low-Cut Chestplate, inv_pet_inquisitoreye.gif Imp-Eye Diamond, inv_70_quest_ring7d.gif Demonic Birthstone Ring, inv_cape_leather_raiddemonhuntermythic_q Imp Mother's Loincloth.


Calamir dwells in Azsuna. It is an elemental that shifts between using Arcane, Fire and Frost abilities. It drops boots for all armor types, a Fire relic and a Jewelcrafting design.


inv_recipe_70_-scroll3star.gif Design: Sorcerous Shadowruby Pendant, inv_thrown_1h_firelandsraid_d_01.gif Calamir's Jaw, inv_boot_mail_raidhunter_q_01.gif Frostburned Sabatons, inv_boot_leather_raidmonk_q_01.gif Mana-Tanned Sandals, inv_7_0raid_necklace_16d.gif Pendant of Cold Flame, inv_70_raid_ring2d.gif Ring of Frozen Magic, inv_boot_cloth_raidmage_q_01.gif Sandals of Frozen Ash, inv_boot_plate_raidpaladinmythic_q_01.gi Warboots of Smoldering Fury.

Strategy and kill video by HeelvsBabyface

Drugon the Frostblood

This mountain giant resides in Highmountain. The fight seems pretty straightforward: just avoid his AvalancheAvalanche attack. Drugon drops wrists and a Frost relic.


inv_cloth_raidpriest_q_01_bracer.gif Snowdrift Bracers, inv_leather_raiddemonhuntermythic_q_02br Wax-Sealed Leather Bracers, inv_bracer_mail_raidhunter_q_01.gif Assorted Dragonscale Bracers, inv_bracer_plate_raiddeathknight_q_01.gi Ettinbone Bracers, inv_ammo_snowball.gif Drugon's Snowglobe, inv_qiraj_carapaceoldgod.gif Ettin Fingernail, inv_cape_raidpreist_q_01.gif Giant's Handkerchief.

Kill video by Riuy


Flotsam is a sea giant located in the Shipwreck Cove, in Highmountain. He has themed abilities called JetsamJetsam, BreaksamBreaksam, YaksamYaksam and GetsamGetsam. He drops gloves and a Life relic.


spell_nature_crystalball.gif "Liberated" Un'goro Relic, inv_glove_mail_raidshaman_q_01.gif Blackwater Raider Handguards, inv_glove_cloth_raidmage_q_01.gif Faded Bloodsail Handwraps, inv_glove_plate_raidwarriormythic_q_01.g Kezan Pirate's Mitts, inv_70_raid_ring7b.gif Marshstomper Oracle's Loop, inv_cape_plate_raidpaladinmythic_q_01.gi Ragged Azsharan Sail Fragment, inv_leather_raidrogue_q_01glove.gif Salt-Stained Tuskarr Gloves.

Kill video by Reallife lumberjack


Yet another giant, he is located in the Gloaming Reef, in Val'sharah. All of Humongris's attacks deal area damage. Try to remain spread to decrease his overall damage. Humongris drops shoulders.


inv_scroll_05.gif Skinning Technique: Legion Butchery, inv_cape_raidmage_q_01.gif Coerced Wizard's Cloak, inv_shoulder_leather_raidmonk_q_01.gif Mantle of the Aspiring Spellgiant, inv_shoulder_cloth_raidmage_q_01.gif Padawsen's Squished Pauldrons, spell_firefrost-orb.gif Padawsen's Unlucky Charm, inv_sword_1h_pandariaquest_b_03.gif Sea Giant Toothpick Fragment, inv_shoulder_mail_raidshaman_q_01.gif Shoulderguards of Unimaginative Magic, inv_shoulder_plate_raidpaladinmythic_q_0 Shoulderplates of Oversized Sorcery.

Kill video by Riuy


Levantus is situated in the Lithduin Reef, in Azsuna. You will have to fight her in the water! Levantus drops gloves, a Blood relic and a hidden Artifact appearance for Enhancement Shamans.


inv_glove_plate_raiddeathknight_q_01.gif Chum-Chopper Gauntlets, inv_fishing_lure_frogfish.gif Fel-Scented Bait, inv_glove_mail_raidhunter_q_01.gif Hook-Fingered Gauntlets, inv_7_0raid_necklace_17a.gif Krakentooth Necklace, inv_70_dungeon_ring3d.gif Ring of Deep Sea Pearls, inv_glove_leather_raidmonk_q_01.gif Seaweed "Leather" Mitts, inv_cloth_raidpriest_q_01_glove.gif Whirlpool Glovesinv_mace_1h_artifactdoomhammer_d_06.gif The Warmace of Shirvallah

Kill video by Riuy

Na'zak the Fiend

Na'zak is the only world boss located in Suramar. He drops legs, two rings and an Arcane relic.


inv_leather_raidrogue_q_01pants.gif Dessicated Leather Pants, inv_pant_cloth_raidwarlock_q_01.gif Na'zak's Dusty Pantaloons, inv_pant_mail_raidhunter_q_01.gif Venomscarred Chain Leggings, inv_pant_plate_raiddeathknight_q_01.gif Avalanche Resistant Legplates, inv_misc_orb_01.gif Leystone Nugget, inv_70_pvp_ring1a.gif Loop of Polished Pebbles, inv_70_raid_ring6d.gif Mana-Dowsing Ring

Kill video by Riuy


Nithogg is located in Stormheim. Nithogg has typical dragon abilities, plus an aoe lightning attack that is easy to dodge. Nithogg drops helms, a Holy-type relic and one of the three item that is used to unlock an appearance for Fury Warriors.


inv_helm_mail_raidshaman_q_01.gif Coif of Unstable Discharge, inv_70_quest_ring8c.gif Cursed Warden's Keepsake, inv_leather_raiddemonhuntermythic_q_02he Helm of the Mountain Recluse, inv_helm_cloth_raidwarlock_q_01.gif Hood of Scorned Brood, ability_titankeeper_cleansingorb.gif Pillaged Titan Disc, inv_helm_plate_raiddeathknight_q_01.gif Stormbattered Casque, inv_cape_leather_raiddemonhuntermythic_q Windwhipped Greatcloak, inv_misc_stormdragonpurple.gif Skull of Nithogg

Strategy and kill video by HeelvsBabyface


Shar'thos hangs out by the Tangled Cleft, in Val'sharah. This is another typical dragon fight. Shar'thos drops chests, a Shadow relic and one of the three item that is used to unlock an appearance for Fury Warriors.


inv_chest_plate_raiddeathknight_q_01.gif Chestplate of Blackened Emeralds, inv_7_0raid_necklace_09d.gif Choker of Dreamthorns, inv_weapon_shortblade_97.gif Decaying Dragonfang, inv_cape_leather_raidrogue_q_01.gif Despoiled Dreamthread Cloak, inv_chest_mail_raidhunter_q_01.gif Hauberk of the Snarled Vale, inv_cloth_raidpriest_q_01_chest.gif Robe of Fever Dreams, inv_chest_leather_raiddruid_q_01.gif Tunic of Waking Nightmaresachievement_emeraldnightmare_dragonsofni Skull of Shar'thos

Kill video by IronstarPaladin

The Soultakers

Soultrapper Mevra, Captain Hring and Reaver Jdorn are the Soultakers. They are located at Shield's Rest Island, in Stormheim. Over the course of the encounter, each of the Soultakers gains energy. As each Soultaker reaches 100 energy, they unleash a devastating attack. They drop belts.


inv_belt_cloth_raidwarlock_q_01.gif Cord of Kept Souls, inv_leather_raiddemonhuntermythic_q_02be Hel-Cursed Belt, inv_belt_mail_raidhunter_q_01.gif Helchain Waistguard, inv_belt_plate_raidwarriormythic_q_01.gi Sea-Reaver's Girdle, achievement_dungeon_ulduar77_25man.gif Barnacled Mistcaller Orb, inv_misc_idol_05.gif Thrice-Accursed Compass, inv_7_0raid_necklace_04a.gif Soultrapper's Pendant

Withered J'im

He can be found at the Isle of Watchers, in Azsuna. J'im is the only boss that doesn't drop a relic. Other than that, his loot table consists of helms, a ring, a cloak and a trinket.


inv_helm_mail_raidhunter_q_01.gif Cave Skulker's Helm, inv_70_raid_ring5c.gif Dingy Suramar Mercantile Signet, inv_cape_legionraidwarlock_d_01.gif Drape of the Mana-Starved, inv_helmet_leather_raiddruid_q_01.gif Magic-Warped Hood, inv_helm_cloth_raidmage_q_01.gif Mana Scavenger's Mask, inv_helm_plate_raidpaladinmythic_q_01.gi Manacrystal-Adorned Helmet, inv_datacrystal04.gif Unstable Arcanocrystal.

Strategy and kill video by HeelvsBabyface

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1 hour ago, PatrickHenry said:

Warriors will be happy they have to farm 2 world bosses...

It's just an appearance though, so it isn't make or break your gameplay.

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Does anyone know if the world bosses are already available directly after launch or are they postponed to the starting week of raiding?

Quite interested in it but couldn't find the information.

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I would expect so, given that World Quests will be available from launch and these bosses are tied to WQs,

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Awesome info! Love the idea of hardest World Bosses.

However I have one question. Are the 3 World Bosses the same for all servers or we will we available to do Server Hops to kill all of them in one week?

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From what we know, World Quests and World bosses are different for each server. Not sure how realmhopping will work... I know they wanted to be stricter with realmhopping so it might not be allowed. Besides, I get the feeling it's not worth doing these world bosses if you don't have the World Quest for them, given that the drop rate of their loot table in the Beta was pretty low.

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poor jim, he's been having a rough time lately. i really want him to be the hardest boss to kill. of all of them he is the strangest to look at and seems to be rather harmless. he's just chillin in his cave and we come and mess with him. poor guy,

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I am not too sure but it should be, if you are in the same party/raid with other people. If you just see a raid killing Jim and he's at 5% and you manage to tag him, I don't think others will be able to trade you loot.

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Anyone knows if you can get loot of the weekly worldboss if you are a low level? i've killed them on some and did receive like 30 gold, as i would on my lvl 110 character if no gear peice drops instead.

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24 minutes ago, Shamphoo said:

Anyone knows if you can get loot of the weekly worldboss if you are a low level? i've killed them on some and did receive like 30 gold, as i would on my lvl 110 character if no gear peice drops instead.

Honestly not sure tbh - I know that you can't receive the reward from the World Quest, but that's as far as my knowledge goes. Hopefully someone else might be able to help out!

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On 10/12/2016 at 6:40 AM, Zadina said:

I am not too sure but it should be, if you are in the same party/raid with other people. If you just see a raid killing Jim and he's at 5% and you manage to tag him, I don't think others will be able to trade you loot.

Just tried and you can not. Kind of dumb but it is what it is

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3 hours ago, Pap3rkat said:

Just tried and you can not. Kind of dumb but it is what it is

Yeah, that's pretty lame. Maybe it'll get changed with 7.1.5 or shortly after!

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