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enhancement 5.4 PTR is all salad mode now :/

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I am a happy troll enhancement shaman who most of the times has his Fire Elemental Glyphed and Elemental Mastery and Primal Elementalist as talents.

Every 1.5 min i use my Elemental Mastery along my Feral Spirit (with tier15 set bonus is already ready and waiting every 1.5 min) and every 3 minutes is a complete nuke.

My Elemental Mastery syncs with my Feral Spirit, Ascendance , Fire Elemental (glyphed) and Berserking.

The results of this burst are beyond comprehension :P, especially at pulls with bloodlust. 650-700k dps burst at pull are so fun to see :). Also the end result on raid bosses dps is really high for me and i love it. In fact only at JiKun and at Megaera the fire elemental glyph is not used on my shaman.

This makes me really unhappy, in order for my fire elemental to benefit from elemental mastery and berserking i will have to keep it waiting for half a minute with the new glyph. Should i just dump it already and go on 5min cd? But then there is no point for me to have Primal Elementalist (it won't benefit on cd from the other cds) or i should keep Fire elemental/stormlash coming out every 6 mins in order to sync with the 3rd in a row Elemental Mastery and Berserking :/

Anyway the absolute sync of Fire Elemental, Elemental Mastery, Berserking, Ascendance.. is gone at 5.4.

Now... what is going on with tier 16 5.4 changes?

They give us 2 proc chances as set bonuses.

1) the 2set will give a chance for 10 sec after you use unleash elements to have a random weapon imbue proc too. I guess it will be from the 2 currently used, windfury and flameshock for pve, meaning that we need to learn if haste will affect this chance or if it's with internal cds etc.. Now this 2 sec bonus really makes Unleashed Fury (tier 6 talent) extremely welcome again and i wonder if mastery will become equal to haste now, depending the proc chances. If you think even further, i wonder if elemental blast will be useful for shamans because it's possible that many maelstrom x5 lightning bolts and elemental blast will be affected from unleashed fury/ flametongue buff. With this 2 set bonus i think that all tier 6 options will be useful again blurring our best tier 6 talent choice and how each perform with different reforges/gems.

2) The 4set will make your flame shock ticks a chance to give you 5 stacks of searing totem and reset lava lash (which means you must hit that lava lash asap). Now let's picture this, 6+ pack trash or adds are gathered, you ideally throw your flameshock on one target, use your lava lash to spread it, click that unleashed elements/fury skill and spam that fire nova. And guess what! with so many flameshocks ticking your lava lash will reset so often that most probably you will only renew flameshocks, spam fire nova and lava lash (which isn't bad ofc) and put that chain lighitning and stormstrike to 2nd line in the queue.

Now again haste will be important, with so much flame shock ticking faster but i wonder how clever it is to have a lava lash spam (which is a single target skill) on a aoe rotation. One would say "more lava lashes will spread the flameshock faster " but on 6-10 targets (bats at tortos?) it is already on all at 2nd lava lash. This is not the Revenge skill of warrior tank where he spams it at aoe situations. Revenge hits 3 targets while lava lash one.

This 4set bonus doesn't seem right and i hope we see something more fun and more useful .

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About LL; On the other hand, it can let you focus on one priority add and have a major DPS boost. Consider Tortos; Having FS up on Tortos and using LL near the bats will get you coverage on the bats. These then let you LL Tortos a LOT more often, thus your DPS goes up. In addition, it means that your rotation for AoE doesn't have dead-spots where you're just waiting for Fire Nova to come off CD.

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still a 4set bonus that performs good with single dps skill on aoe situations and ok-ish? on single dps . In general yes, set bonuses give max 3% dps boost but i was expecting something more fun.

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Looks like Blizzard missed the mark a bit, yeah. The Resto one isn't much better. MOAR BURST. Like we need it =.=

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