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Heirlooms for WW Monk?

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If you are just starting (ie. this is your first character), then you won't be able to buy heirlooms, as they simply cost too much.  If you already have gold stockpiled on another character and are wondering which ones to buy, then you should look for the Stained Shadowcraft Helm, Shoulders, Chest, and Pants, Inherited Cape of the Black Baron, Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge OR Venerable Mass of McGowan (Weapons), Eternal Will of the Martyr (neck), and Swift Hand of Justice. (trinket)  The weapons, neck, and trinket don't have any +exp on them.  It'll take a couple thousand gold to get all of them, and even more to upgrade them so that you can use them past level 60, and again more to upgrade them a final time to use them until level 100.

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Well, the fastest way would be just to use your lvl 100 boost that you got when purchased Legion expansion (if you did).

Are you just starting to play WoW or a returning player? Heirlooms cost a lot of gold for a starter - 500g piece, even more for a 2-hand, and then more gold for every level upgrade (60-90, 90-100), for helm, cloak and pants you have to have guild reputation too.

Anyways, you can read a heirloom guide here.

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