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[Wyrmrest Accord] [A] <Knitting Society> 7/7N 5/7H Heroic Guild LFM

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Who Are We?
We are a new guild that was created from the merging of two smaller guilds. All of our raiders have various experience with many of us raiding since Vanilla.

Knitting Society is a US based semi-hardcore guild full of members who enjoy aggressively and timely clearing heroic raid content. We are planning to go into mythics in the future as fast as can depending on the skill of those we recruit/already have.

What are your raid times?
Our raid times are Wednesday and Saturday at 6:00pm-10:00 PST 
Raid invites will go out 15 minutes prior to raid.

Do you have a VOIP?
We use Discord. Join us on discord if you have more questions, want to join, or just want to hang out! Check the "Shoutbox" for an invite.

Roster: We are currently running the 2/4/9 template as our primary raiding but with more people we are willing to expand to involve higher numbers and possible multiple teams.

Loot: We currently use personal loot for maximum drops chances, but in the future we will use a loot council system to evenly distribute loot among our raid.

What We Expect:
You have done what you can to min/max your character. 
You are confident in your abilities to play your class, and can take constructive criticism.
You are aware of and can move from hazardous encounter mechanics, with little negative effect on your dps/healing/etc.
You are searching for a long term guild to progress into future tiers with. 

Current positions we have a high demand for:
DPS of anykind able to progress into mythic.
 * Note this is for core spots in Heroic Progression *

Please note if you don't see your class/spec listed fill free to ask as we are always looking for exceptional players to add to our roster.

For questions please ask Cendrii, Lrauq, Erravach, or Alndron for more details.

Edited by Cendrii
Update progress.

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