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[Arthas][H] <The Sworn> (3/7M EN) LF DPS

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Guild Name: The Sworn

Faction: Horde

Realm: US Arthas

Realm Type: PvP

Realm Timezone: EST

Progression: 10/10N 6/10H (as of 1/19)

Raid Times: 9pm-12am EST

Raid Schedule: Tuesday/Wednesday  (Optional Raid Sunday)

Site: http://theswornarthas.enjin.com/

Warcraft Logs Calendar: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guilds/usercalendar/110617/

Contact: ManChild#11640

About Us

The Sworn, originally a 10 man raid guild in Mist of Pandaria, has been continuously improving our core raid team since the beginning of Warlords of Draenor. Our raid schedule has a casual approach but many people take pride in our serious push for mythic progression. Throughout WoD we rarely took days off and always kept the team alive.  In the end we were able to clear 12/13 mythic HFC regardless of our countless setbacks due to unreliable raiders.  In Legion we are pleased with our raid attendance and reliability so far but are looking to improve our roster. Currently we have a set group of tanks and healers but are looking to replace a few dps due to their lack of ability to be an adequate mythic raider.

If you are a serious player but can’t afford a heavy raid schedule then this is the guild for you.  We are a friendly group of players with a wide range of experience and backgrounds.  Please check our recruitment needs below and our Warcraft logs to determine if you are capable of competing for a raid spot.  We expect dps to play the appropriate spec for the current patch.

Recruitment Needs (DPS ONLY)

Paladin - LOW

Warrior - MEDIUM

Death Knight - MEDIUM

Shaman - LOW

Hunter - MEDIUM

Druid - LOW


Rogue - MEDIUM

Priest – VERY HIGH


Warlock – VERY HIGH

Demon Hunter – MEDIUM

As you can see we are in need of cloth dps.   We still however will consider all applications.

Visit our website: http://theswornarthas.enjin.com/

Add me on real ID: ManChild#11460

Edited by Imsooriginal

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Hey guys just want to update you all and let you know that we are still looking for players.  We are excited for Nighthold and want to have a solid group of 20 players by the time we finish heroic guldan so we can start mythic.  We start heroic next week! I hope to get normal cleared as well if we have enough people who want to raid extra time but we are gonna focus on heroic.

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Update! We are now 6/10 Heroic!  Had raid on Sunday and in the future we are gonna have optional normal runs on Sundays until we can do heroics on Sundays while we do mythic!  We have more than 20 people right now but are really looking for some better players.

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