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[Sargeras][A] <L A W> (7/7H EN 3/3N ToV) LF RDPS but will accept all!

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========================== L A W====================================

Who We Are!

This guild was formed back during vanilla, and has been kept alive through the years, through multiple different changes in leadership along the way. We are a semi-casual, semi-hardcore weekday raid group, that likes to crack jokes and kill bosses! We like to keep a friendly atmosphere where everyone feels welcome, and free of drama. We are a home away from home! 

On top of raiding, we also do some PvP, old raid achievement runs, and other shenanigans on the side during the week (these will be posted on the calendar, and open for casuals/friends)!

Raid Times and Progression
- 7/7N 7/7H Emerald Nightmare

- 3/3N 2/3H Trial of valor

- 10/10N Nighthold

- 7/10H Nighthold
- Tuesday/Wednesday 7PM - 10PM Server time

Who We Are Looking For!

We are looking for mature, friendly players to maintain our happy-go-lucky atmosphere. We are looking for players that will be able to show up for the entirety of the raid times on a regular basis (If you have a job or another raid group that would force you to be 30 minutes late or have to leave 30 minutes early every day, let us know and we will work it out!). We are looking for players who can pull their own weight, be active in Discord (whether it be for mechanics, or just general chatting/joking around). We are looking for ilvl 860+ players and good raid awareness, and are capable of going into and successfully killing mythic bosses. We hope to start on mythic soon, and will be farming heroics while we recruit for mythic.

Attendance Policy:
If you are going to be late, or will not be able to make raid, we ask that you respond to our callouts thread on our guild website forums. If you fail to do so repeatedly, this may result in removal from the raid group.

Currently, for our raid group, we are looking for the following (860+):
Elemental shaman
RDPS(we are not picky)


How Trialing Works:
If you would like to join our raid group, we would like you to know that we have a 2 week trial period. After which you will be an official part of the raid team! During your trial period, you will NOT be required to join our guild if you do not wish to do so. Until we have the numbers to perform Mythic raids a server transfer is unnecessary.  However, upon having the appropriate numbers, we ask that you purchase a server transfer and join our guild.

Much like raiders, we look for casuals that are mature, friendly, social people, who aren't afraid to chat with everybody else in the guild! Casuals are free to join/sign up for our weekday events, which include PvP (World or Random BG's), and legacy raid achievement runs (Glory of the Pandaria/Cataclysm Raider, etc)! We encourage our casuals to join us and hang out in Discord, and be social overall! Again, our guild is a home away from home.

If you wish to join!

If you would like to join our guild, respond to this thread with battle-tag, or please battle tag and whisper one or all of the following:

NOTE: If you plan on trialing for our raid team, we will ask you to submit an application on our guild website, at http://law-sargeras.guildlaunch.com/

Edited by Tumbletaco

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