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556 Destro - Haste scale factor

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Just got some upgrades tonight and re-simmed my character. My scale factors were as follows:
int > Hit > SP > Haste > Mastery ~= Crit
Haste: 4.38
Mastery: 3.86
Crit: 3.82
Not sure how this makes sense - after entering the values into askmrrobot, I am almost completely reforging to haste as destruction. 
Anyone encounter this or can possibly explain why this would be more beneficial than stacking more crit or mastery?



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Sims lie.


That said, haste and crit are mostly even in most cases. A lot of locks, myself included, go crit over haste because of haste procs/blood lust/meta gem. Any of these happen and your Incinerates fall under GCD. Although the DPS loss from this is small, it's enough to strengthen crit enough to prioritize it over haste.


Another idea is Destro multi-dotting, using slightly higher haste to get another tick of Immo for mad dots. Not a super common strat, but it works if you use it right.

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Mr Robot is making you reforge all into haste because you are possibly not setting a haste soft cap. By the looks of your gear, it seems that you play destro as main spec and you decided to get as little haste from gear as possible, so set that haste cap to 2012, and the "haste(2012)" to 0.


EDIT: if you intent to play differently, let us know.

Edited by Wolland

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I guess I don't quite understand simcraft then. I was simming my character, then entering the stat weights it provided to me on askmrrobot to find out how to gem/reforge to achieve them. At this point I believe that I can just use AMR's default mastery build, but now another question arises.


Can I ignore socket bonuses and gem straight +320 mastery gems? What is the net gain/loss on a +120 intellect socket bonus over +320 mastery? 

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The only time I ever ignore a socket bonus is sometimes I really just don't need that 60 hit bonus on my boots.

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Just got some upgrades tonight and re-simmed my character. My scale factors were as follows:
int > Hit > SP > Haste > Mastery ~= Crit
Haste: 4.38
Mastery: 3.86
Crit: 3.82
Not sure how this makes sense - after entering the values into askmrrobot, I am almost completely reforging to haste as destruction. 
Anyone encounter this or can possibly explain why this would be more beneficial than stacking more crit or mastery?


These set of stat weights are for YOUR EXACT STATS right then.  If you changed some stats from Mastery to Haste, Haste's value would go down and Mastery's would go up.  These aren't necessarily stat weights for a spec...they are the amount of DPS you gained per point of secondary stats FOR YOUR EXACT CURRENT SET UP for a single target fight. 


To summarize, it's Mastery > Crit = Haste, period.  All the sims in the world won't be able to give you real, actual weights because fight strategies change, group comps change, your personal fight responsibilities change, and RPPM exists to create a random element to your DPS. 

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