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Some advice on min/maxing my WW Monk

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Hi fellow monks,


I am seeking wisdom in how to min/max my monk, i don't think i am performing aswell as i should do with my current gear level, here is my armory link:



I can also provide some logs from our last raid lots off tries on Garrosh smile.png



I am using the rotation as mentioned on the guides from Icy-Veins.


What i am just wondering is that i see alot off top monks gem for pure agi and stuff, but i dont see why they do it, i myself use askmrrobot for my gemming and enchanting and i am now wondering if its the way to go.


So in short is there anything i should change gem/enchant wise or rotation wise to make me a better monk?


Thanks for any advice in advance



a Fat panda tongue.png

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I'm sorry I can't be of help.  I really don't know much about windwalker outside of 9k~ haste, then crit.  I knew a bit more last tier about mastery 1 point above becasue of the trinket, but that's irrelevant now.


Sorry about that, hope someone comes along the way to help out.

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Being that I'm one of those monks that gems for as much agility as possible, I can tell you what I do and why I do it (someone else may say something completely different).


Agility is our #1 stat, it increase AP, allowing us to hit harder, and crit (though not as much as pure crit rating I don't think).  I used to gem for haste and crit, but found that gemming with a lot of agility enabled me to do more dps on a shorter fight, meaning a little more burst on adds, and identical dps on a long fight found by a fair amount of testing on practice dummies along with what my simDPS tells me.  I use the mrrobot site to help me get my hit/exp cap via reforges, then gem using the following set of rules:


Red slot: Agility

Yellow slot: (w/o t16 4pc bonus): Agi/Crit

Yellow slot: (w/ t16 4pc bonus): Agi/Mastery

Blue slot: Agi/Hit


I'm pretty sure the guide here has the names of those gems, and I've followed that fairly closely.  The reason for gemming mastery after 4pc bonus is 2 fold.  1 is that in many fights, the amount of mastery I have allows me to keep 8-10 stacks of TeB up roughly 75% of a fight, which 2) save a chi stack for what amount for an extra strike every 15-20 seconds.


A reminder, this is what I, personally, do and it works for me.  If you're not sure, I suggest giving it a try and seeing if you like it. A link to my armory if you want to check out what I've done: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/eonar/Wuxi/simple


Hope this helps!

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Yes, Darksith, I looked at your attempts and compared them to what I was doing on my guild's Garrosh fights and the spell cast numbers look almost identical (meaning we blackout kick, RSK, etc., almost the same number of times).  I'm pretty sure you're pressing the buttons just fine.

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Maybe I'm wrong - I'll admit I have laid low raiding wise this tier - but I would like to see higher uptime on Tiger Power than 80%, and more use of Chi Wave and Fists of Fury.


It looks like your guild didn't raid again after the last Garrosh kill, and your armory throws an error that your character might have been deleted. Makes me fear the worst. What happened?

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