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Non heroic 4pc vs heroic non set and when to start swapping?

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So the group I run with is onto heroic progression. I've been quite lucky with drops and have 4 set pieces, no shoulders. I have some heroic shoulders so that's a no brainer but now I have heroic gloves and a helm and am wondering when it would be a good idea to drop down to 2pc, if ever.

The 2 heroic pieces I've got so far are




My armory for any other tips,



Thanks for the help.

Edited by Asheodor

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Didn't mention spec.  Tier decisions to be made should be:


Destro 2pc: meh

Destro 4pc: absolutely

Afflic 2pc: absolutely

Afflic 4pc: meh

Demo 2pc: absolutely

Demo 4pc: absolutely

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So, just checking here.... LFR teir v flexi gear? I' thinking LFR, because there's so much value in the destro 4pc, but.... It feels wrong losing mastery for it.

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I know I probably sound terrible saying it, but I can't even make myself run LFR. I keep reading the page upon page of LFR SoO nerfs and I'm pretty sure I'd ragequit after the first trash pull or two.

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