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Juggernaut's Focusing Crystal

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Hello, I've won the heroic version of Juggernaut's Focusing Crystal from bonus loot recently as a blood dk and I could not  clearly grasp how I can make use of it. As a lot of people put forward in my guild, its passive healing is really insignificant and considering I am a blood dk who has a relatively survival build and sucks at dps it seems useless. Any advice would be appreciated thx.


Here is my armory link:



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The healing is ok if you play an avoidance build and have high tank dps. I often get 6-10k hps out of it which isn't amazing, but is better than useless. All that dodge also adds a lot of riposte. If you reforge to parry you'll get like 1.75% dodge and 1.25% parry from it, and an extra 2.5% crit from riposte, plus the passive healing from lifesteal.


It isn't an amazing trinket, but it isn't nearly as bad as everyone makes it sound that doesn't like it.

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With a "traditional" mastery build it's not great, but like Storm said if you build for tank dps it's actually quite solid.  All the tank trinket secondary effects are fairly mediocre for pure throughput, so you can pretty much just pick what you like.  For example, I know most people go bananas for Rook's Unlucky Talisman, but I only break it out for stuff like Malkorok or Garrosh where I know ahead of time when I want to use it.


The joy of tanking is in part due to being able to find your own style, and make choices to fit that style.  If you want to stack blood shield like a madman, doubling up on stamina trinkets is the way to go.  If you want to push tank dps and go for the avoidance build (or even the more radical haste build) you'll see it pull in a lot more healing.


The hard part of analyzing its effectiveness is that if you sit at full hp, the heal is wasted.  Not unlike the problem with analyzing healers on farm content, really.  You could just check the overheals, but that's biased the other way.  (On Malkorok, where overheals show up as proper heals on meters, I have done "top" healing more than once.  Information is a tool, and must be applied with care.)  Similarly, it will look better the weaker your defenses are, because it will have more to do.


What does that mean?  Try it, see if you like it.  That's really all you can do.  Do you feel more survivable?  Try out the avoidance build with that trinket sometime, see how you like it.  Perhaps more tellingly, see how your healers like it.

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One of the best arguments Reniat ever made against the trinket is that the small heals will never make a significant impact on high burst situations, which is absolutely true. This trinket isn't going to help you solo the blood rage on Malkorok, it isn't going to prevent you from dying if Garrosh can kill you in three melee swings and nobody else heals you for 4-5 seconds.


What it can be good at is giving you a little extra boost to your overall self healing, and especially in lower incoming damage situations it can add up to a decent chunk of healing. Plus from a survival/dps hybrid standpoint it's one of the top 3 trinkets you can use for Blood DPS.

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Thx a lot for the responses. Since I would feel more comfortable and safe with my current build while progressing in the next heroics, I am thinking of a hybrid build where I will sacrifice a little mastery to pick up some parry first and dodge if possible in the purpose of increasing my damage. As for the trinket, I am convinced that it is not that useless at all after reading Storm's present and previous posts; however, as a tank newly progressing in heroics I think it ll be better and safer if I stick with the Curse of Hubris trinket since I havent been able to get the Malkorok trinket yet.

Edited by Volantis

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