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My Raid's DK is Underperforming and I Need Some Help

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Hey guys,


I'm looking for some help to improve the dk in my raid. We're a 14/14H guild and our DK has been with us for quite some time but he's not keeping up with the raid in terms of DPS. 


His armory is: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/thrall/Milz/simple

Logs: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/guilds/4984/


We're trying to get him a kill on Garrosh and the DPS difference he brings versus another raid member is so drastic that we're not able to meet our DPS checkpoints most of the time or it's extremely tight. I don't know much about DK's but he is 2H frost crit build and he says he does not have viable 1H to swap to because he's using an HWF 2H and his 1H's are not HWF and aren't the ones from norushen either.


As a note, the logs from Thursday raid there are some attempts where he doesn't use his CDs on the pull because we asked him to hold them for first intermission because he couldn't kill his group of adds fast enough. Monday he started using them on pull again.

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Doesn't he have even the normal trinket from Thok? Even the Flex trink from Thok maybe a good boost over Skeer's. Also, 4-set bonus is pretty good and he is missing that. Taking blood tap talent maybe better so that runes can be gamed for Obliterate. 


It maybe easier to evaluate logs of actual kills of any boss. Wipes can be bit skewed. 

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Talent wise he should be using plague leach over unholy blight, and runic corruption has the lowest rune regen of all the level 75 talents. I preferred runic empowerment when I was playing 2H frost, and then switched to blood tap for Dual wield, but most people swear by blood tap no matter what spec.


If he has any 2 heroic 1H's he would probably see a dps increase dual wielding on garrosh. There's a pretty steady flow of something that he can be aoe'ing, whether its adds in the first phase, adds in the transitions, mind controls, etc. Even if DW is a small single target dps loss for him, he'll more than make up for it in essentially passive aoe with howling blast. DW also has much better synergy with the 2pc bonus.


digging into the logs I'm noticing he's getting parried a lot. for the whole night it's only 1-2%, but on some individual attempts he had 10% of his obliterates and/or frost strikes parried, that's easily like a 20k dps loss.

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All the talents and TTT huge boost also his gear is bad in consideration he has a lot of haste I'm not saying it's the only thing but it's a factor

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Taking a look at his armory, His hit is too low, and expertise too high. First goal is to get those to as close as 7.5% (2550 rating) as possible, to avoid getting dodged/parried. Going forward, I'd recommend using a reforge addon to make the most of their gemming options for their hit/exp rating to take the most advantage of reforging into secondary stats on their gear.

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1. 10% expertise is too much, only 7.5% needed.

2. He needs more hit.

3. Plague Leech is better for Frost than Roiling Blood.



His main DPS cooldown (Pillar of Frost) has like a 42 second cooldown with the Galakras HC trinket, so even if he pops that on the pull it should be up for intermission 1.

Edited by Antenora

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