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Trying out Demo

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OK, I finally went out and got dual spec on my lock and decided I'd try my hand at demo for a bit and spent just over 10 min on a dummy.  I know how to analyse logs to a small degree, but I'm not as good at analysing warlock logs as I am my hunters. 


Log: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/2nYXy6WPxFJf7trC/#type=summary

I know I need to work on my dot uptimes and I need to get something for knowing when procs proc, but outside that what advice/tips/shortcuts can y'all recommend?

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hello ,

         ok well everything you need to know is on this forums about demo spec, and if you pop over to mmo-champion demo spec has just been updated there. (also go over to 'fix my dps section as well its useful)

to track procs you need weak auras or tell me when , either 1 of them will do , (i personally use weakaura's).


to track dots use affdots , every good lock uses it ,( that i know anyway), and change the layout from horizontal to bars, (its soo much easier to track dots that way , and under the generals tab change the text size to 26-30 , bigger the better so you dont miss spell strength.


i personally love demo , wish it was competitve enough to raid with in 5.4 like it was in 5.3,

as for stats. under AMR change the haste value to 13153 or 14873, (14873 is the better one , but ive ran with 13153 and did ok ,) haste is important as low haste you are fury starved and the spec becomes a mess.


and dont know what your ilvl is or what gear you have on as no armoury posted but dont bother if you are ilvl 565-570 or below im afraid you just loose tooo much mastery.




im not going to say anything about logs as i dont know how to interpret them properly so someone else can tongue.png


but what i will say is too many shadowbolts in 10 minutes, and never ever use chaoswave period . (unless you have the 4 piece tier 16 set then you cant get out of it )



Edited by Nalar

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My armory is in my signature, Aridas is my lock. Sorry for any confusion there. I don't have any if the tier bonuses yet, as I've barely started on SoO with him. I've read zagam's guides a few times, but I'll slip up nonetheless.


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no one can stop you playing demo at your ilvl but the problem with you doing demo it will feel slow and klunky, and at your ilvl and you will defo be fury starved, unforutnatley your best bet is to go destro

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no one can stop you playing demo at your ilvl but the problem with you doing demo it will feel slow and klunky, and at your ilvl and you will defo be fury starved, unforutnatley your best bet is to go destro

I'm fine with slow and clunky, as my lock will be played a lot more casually than my hunter, and I'll be lucky if he breaks 530 by the end of the summer.  I want him to be a character that's fun to play, not necessarily the strongest/best.  I'll try to get a log with him this afternoon for a better log than a dummy. 

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