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[EU Chamber of Aspects][H] <Collusion> 10M 13/14HC - 3 day raiding guild - Recruiting for Mythic raiding in Patch 6.0 and beyond in WoD

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[H] <Collusion> 10M - 3 day raiding guild - Recruiting for Mythic raiding in Patch 6.0 and beyond in WoD

Server - Chamber of Aspects


Recruiting for Mythic raiding
We are recruiting raiders for future Mythic raiding! Our current 10-man HC progression team is full at this time, but we are recruiting raiders to step into the core team once it expands to 20 man raiding with Patch 6.0...while waiting for Mythic to arrive recruits will act as backups for the 10 man core team while integrating themselves in the guild and proving their skills.

We are particularly interested in the following, and expect any raider candidate to master both a main- and offspec at a competitive level:

Healer: Monk (Mistweaver/Any)
Healer: Priest (Holy/Disc)
Dps: Druid (Balance/Resto)
Dps: Priest (Shadow/Any)
Dps: Warlock (Any)
Dps: Mage (Any)
Dps: Hunter (Any)

(we need exceptional healers as a priority!!!!)

Exceptional applicants of other classes will always be considered.

Socials are welcome
We also welcome socials of all classes/specs/levels as long as they are age 20+ and mature and friendly people to be around...come and enjoy a friendly and tight knit community while you can (social recruitment will be closed if/when we feel that further growth would influence the tight knit feel of the guild as we wish to remain a community where everyone knows eachother).

Background and raiding in Collusion
Collusion (lvl 25) consists of old friends that go a long way back, a lot of us all the way to Vanilla. Some had gone separate ways due to real life commitments etc. but during Mists of Pandaria we decided to reunite and form a new guild on Chamber of Aspects (CoA) as we were tired of dead or overpopulated realms. We formed on the premise of accomplishing the same level of progression that we have had throughout previous expansions, and on this background Collusion was formed on September 4th 2013.

Our raid team consists of people who have raided at the top level of what wow has had to offer both in previous expansions and now MoP.

Times have moved on since we all started playing back in Vanilla, and for a lot of us we have new commitments, children, new jobs etc. but have found that the will to have efficient & progressive raiding is still there, but perhaps without the massive amount of time that other similar guilds require. It is on this note that we will strive to achieve consistent promising progression throughout the raiding that we shall be doing, which shall be

- Tuesdays 20:00 - 23:00
- Thursdays 20:00 - 23:00
- Sundays 20:00 - 23:00
(Server time)

We will possibly be extending some nights when on the brink of a new kill by a possible extra 30 mins.

Now as we are raiding over the course of three nights per week and our raid team is kept the minimum size it needs to be, to achieve what we want to achieve requires strong dedication and focus from every core raider, meaning close to 100% attendance on these nights, and the ability to sit out without causing a fuzz about it when the officers decide that it's either you by turn or in the interest of raid balance for the specific challenge at hand that will be sitting out for the raid...

We expect of our raiders that they are skilled and dedicated players that master both a mainspec and an offspec at a competitive level. A core raider spot is EARNED not given, and we expect that once achieved, it be honered with loyalty to the team and a will and desire to do what is needed to help the team succeed in what it does...don't let any of this scare you though, on the contrary let it be your motivation ;-)

The mushy stuff

To tell a little more about ourselves, we can say that the founding group of members are basically an old group of friends who wanted to do what we did in previous expansions and have fun all the same. You will experience no shouting or name calling here, we are all mature adults who want a friendly and professional raid environment. We have our fair share of laughs on Teamspeak, both in and outside raids as we progress, and strive to maintain a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere.

Our members come from all over Europe, be it Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Northern Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands and many more and range from 20s to....a few decades older...you won't meet a friendlier bunch of people! With many of us going back all the way to Vanilla it goes without saying that our friendships are strong and form the backbone of our guild!

See more details and apply at http://collusion-coa.enjin.com or catch Goozx, Shiftycentts, Uphie or Vasagore ingame for a chat...

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