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Enhancement shaman looking for in-depth tips

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Hello citizens of icy-veins,


I'm wondering if I could improve my dps or utility somehow. I usually do competitive dps in my raidgroup, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I'm looking for anything to improve, big or small.


Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Harenk%C3%A2/advanced

Logs from last reset: http://worldoflogs.com/reports/9oqt94lhw6jhj3l4/

WarcraftLogs: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Gb1kh4txVJPKCHzW


My opener is the following:

Spirit Walk at 5 on pulltimer

Wolves + pre-pot at 2

Fire ele + EM at 1

Blood Fury, Engineering thing and UE on pull

Stormstrike as soon as possible, and then I pop ascendance and use Stormblast

Depending on MW stacks I either FS or LB, usually I have 5 stacks at this point so LB




From this point on I just try to cast based on the priority in the enhancement guide. I use Bloodfury and glove enchant on cooldown, I sync EM and FE, and always use Ascendance right after a SS to reset the cooldown.


I'm looking for small things that I could do better.


I'm considering recording my PoV from our raid later tonight, let me know if that would be helpful.


Thanks in advance,


Edited by Rake

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Try logging to WarcraftLogs as I can't get super in depth with WoL.

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It's a pretty solid log.  Your Thok could've seen higher Flame Shock uptime and Searing Totem uptime, and you should be a little more aggressive with your Lightning Bolt.


That's definitely a pattern in you not using your Lightning Bolt / Maelstrom stacks until they hit 5.  If you have space where you're waiting on a cooldown for longer than your GCD, and if you have 3+ Mael stacks, you should be hardcasting LB then.


This is a Malk parse I'm looking at, zoomed to before you died:


Mael: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Gb1kh4txVJPKCHzW#type=auras&source=1&fight=41&start=11053176&end=11186851&ability=53817





I would also be using Lava Lash more aggressively.  From a Malkorok parse, I see 11 casts for 133 seconds.  That's 23 seconds of wasted Lava Lash uptime.  Comparatively, Stormstrike was a little better, with 15 casts (14 + 2 Stormblasts - 1 for the Asc reset), with only 13 seconds of wasted CD, which is more realistically 11 seconds of wasted CD w/ the Asc reset.

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Thanks for the input, I'll try to incorporate these into my play. Are there any solid addons for tracking MW stacks? I'm having a hard time telling how many MW stacks I have other than when they hit 5.

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Thanks for the input, I'll try to incorporate these into my play. Are there any solid addons for tracking MW stacks? I'm having a hard time telling how many MW stacks I have other than when they hit 5.

A WeakAura or TellMeWhen string is really the best bet for this.


If you're currently using the default spell alert, you should check out this WeakAura I made to mimic that for 3-4-5 stacks!



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Thanks for the WA string, I found it really helpful. I tried to be more aggressive with spending my MW stacks in our last raid, but I think I overcompensated a bit. Time to hit the training dummies for a bit I guess.

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Yeah, when I started doing it I overcompensated as well.  I ended up just waiting for 3 on the Spell Alert WA before ever hitting it.

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