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When did you go Unholy?

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What ilvl did you guys go unholy? I just got a heroic 2H putting me at 572, wanted to know if it would be worth me going Unholy over 2H Frost, or if I should should wait a few weeks to valor upgrade some more gear.

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As far as going unholy from frost 2h doesn't matter to much if your looking for a dps increase, if you looking for more of a challenge/a slight dps increase (not that it's hard or a big increase) then go it right now. I switched to unholy, I never really switched to it been playing it since cata never changed other than to test a few things.

Edited by Drtain

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Frost and Unholy are within 5% of eachother at any ilvl if you play them both well. Just play whichever spec you like better.

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Yeah at your iLvL its worth it to switch to Unholy, yeah its 10 times harder than Frost to make a perfect play but its worth it in terms of dmg, each fight in SoO where you can AMS Soak you make much more dmg as a 2H Frost DK.

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It's also worth throwing in, even if your ilvl is low and/or your dps is bad. You'll make a lot of new friends if you use wow_icon_spell_shadow_unholyfrenzy.jpg Unholy Frenzy on some of the higher melee dps in your group. I'd bring a 520 ilvl DK along any day just to stand around and use unholy frenzy on me.

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I went unholy pretty late, not until 555. Wasn't a gear thing I just had never played it, worst mistake of my life not to get into it sooner. Unholy is my new favorite spec. I'd say jump in at any time. Just understand its lack of popularity I think is the involved rotation. You have to pay attention to your runes, spend the carefully, while properly managing your runic power and your zombie/ghoul/skeleton companion. However, I find the rotation once you learn it is much faster than frost, and your AOE is just ungodly. While most people sigh when there is a bunch of trash to kill you will giggle with glee at how quickly your diseases, bb, and dd will destroy them. As unholy you are a blender for AOE fights and can easily compete with/outperform frost in single targets :D


tl;dr, play what ever makes you happy

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