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Elemental Weapons Choice-simple advice?

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So I am not going to be doing any hardcore raiding, I mostly do LFR (as my raid only has a grand total of about 5 people (not counting alll of our alts), with only two of us on nightly. 


My Elemental Shaman is my main alt toon, and I am slowly gearing her up through LFR. 






I am not going to be doing any flex, 10 man or 25 man, as I do not want to join a riading guild and I am never on in time for pugs.


My question tonight has to do with weapon choice, for an elemental shaman, who's rotation closely follows the one here on IcyVeins, would it be better to continue to use the staff that I am using or switch to a same level mace/shield or mace/offhand combo?  When I am in game and trying to see the differences, it is hard for me to determine. 


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at the same ilvl, if it doesnt push you over hit, the 1h and shield would probly be best. the extra armor is probly slightly better on timeless isle and questing if you dont have a large health pool. none of the choices are going to be huge, so luck will be a larger factor in any dps test.

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Sounds like you are playing very casually and just for the fun.

Go with what you like the look of ! At the iLevel you are and the style of play it really won't make a lot of difference in LFR.

I would recommend you do reforge your items if you want to improve performance, this would make more of a difference than the question of staff vs 1Handed and shield. Reforge your spirit down to the 15% hit cap, MR Robot can help do this and you seem to be familiar with how to find the sight smile.png



p.s. I agree with Kitsu that the extra armor of a shield can be nice when solo on Timeless isle

p.p.s IMHO shield look good for shaman especially with a nice mace.

Edited by grautod

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at the same ilvl, if it doesnt push you over hit, the 1h and shield would probly be best. the extra armor is probly slightly better on timeless isle and questing if you dont have a large health pool. none of the choices are going to be huge, so luck will be a larger factor in any dps test.



However, the difference is minimal as it's just based on the Int/socket difference.

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