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recommended pet stance?

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Hello all, this is my first time lvlng a hunter and seeing as I'm closing on max I have a question. I know hunters sometimes get a bad rap due to improper pet usage and aspects. My questions is in regards to pet usage. What is the recommended stance for your pet during a dungeon/raid environment? Sorry if this is a no-brainer question, just want to make sure I'm not a burden on any end game group content. Thanks everyone!

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No worries. It used to be more of a problem when pets had aggressive stance. Now you can just keep your pet on Assist to have him target and attack what you are attacking. It will take a few seconds after you switch targets for the pet AI to register the new target for your pet to switch. You can leave your pet in Assist mode all the time. 

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You can do one of two things, keep your pet on Assist which takes a few seconds to react, or you can make a few macros for your main spells, mainly multi shot, arcane shot and explosive/kill command/aimed shot. Feel free to copy paste this macro, obviously changing the name of the spells.



/cast SpellNameHere

/petattack [target=target]


This will cause your pet to instantly switch to your target as if you hit the attack button. It's much faster than the reaction time of Assist, and it works great.

Edited by Niix

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Passive/Defensive and control either 100% manually with macros or use Kill Command as your pet attack as well by adding the line /petattack, lets you tap it to make pet switch targets.


You'd be fairly silly to just macro /petattack to all of your spells, it'd just mean that whenever you arcane shot a few hits on a secondary target your pet will run back and forth like a moron and waste damage. More important as Survival.

Edited by Azortharion

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Passive/Defensive and control either 100% manually with macros or use Kill Command as your pet attack as well by adding the line /petattack, lets you tap it to make pet switch targets.


You'd be fairly silly to just macro /petattack to all of your spells, it'd just mean that whenever you arcane shot a few hits on a secondary target your pet will run back and forth like a moron and waste damage. More important as Survival.


Yeah for BM this is 100% the way to go. But this guy is just leveling up ATM, I don't think he's quite in need of maximizing his damage quite yet, but Azo is 100% correct, the macros I listed aren't 100% optimal. They just make it a little easier, and I would never use them for BM.

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