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Request: Misdirection Weak Aura

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Any WA / Lua guys out there capable of making this aura for me, I'm looking for MD aura in Icon form or bar, it doesn't matter, but inside I'd like it to display, who in either my Raid, Party, or my pet MD has been cast on.



I can't figure it out because when you cast it, it also shows the buff on you, can someone smarter than me help me out please???

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Well. I don't have anything like this and I'm not sure how to show the name of the player that it has been cast on, but I have a macro that MDs your focus if you have one (the tank), and your pet if you don't have a focus.


Not sure if it's what you're looking for, but this will at least allow you to always know where your MD is going.


/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead] Misdirection; [target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection

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I'm pretty sure you can create something like this using TellMeWhen, but that would require the mentioned lua coding skills I don't have. 


Not sure what would be the point of that aura though. If you need the visual feedback on misdirection, there's the crosshair that pops up over the heads of both the misderecter and misdirectee ;)

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