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Any possible way to use CBT early?

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I am having trouble finding a way to "pop" my cloudburst totem before the 15 second duration run's out...Is this even possible?


Any and all help is very very appreciated.

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There are two ways:

If you are not specced into Totemic Persistence, drop HST and it will cancel CBT.

If you are specced into Totemic Persistence, well... right click on the CBT frame-->Cancel.


If you meant some macro - there is no macro to cancel the totems nowadays.

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Edit: I've corrected the macro to improve it


Here you go! Press the first time to put down cloudburst totem. Press another time to pop it. I would also recommend one of the weakauras in the thread above that lets you see how much healing was absorbed, so that you know how much healing you will get when you pop it. 


You have to use glyph of totemic encirclement for this macro to work properly. 


#showtooltip cloudburst Totem


/click TotemFrameTotem3 RightButton 

/cast cloudburst Totem
Edited by Karanir

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Edit: Pandacho, you are partially right. The macro doesn't work properly. Initially, I've tested it in combat via a training dummy, and it worked, which was why I posted it. But after more testing, I've realised that it's not working correctly. 


The number in "/click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton" represents the order in which you summon the totem. 


If you summon a searing totem first, then put up cloudburst totem,


/click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton  will cancel the searing totem (1st totem) 

/click TotemFrameTotem2 RightButton will cancel the cloudburst totem (2nd totem)


However, if you use glyph of totemic encirclement, it always puts down 4 totems in a row. 


So /click TotemFrameTotem3 RightButton will always cancel the water totem. 

Edited by Karanir

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Well, you can do all this, but in heroic / mythic raid healing I'm not sure it worth all this voodoo dances with useless (for resto) totems and glyphs.

I think that the best solution is the simplest one: want to pop CBT early - do not spec into Totemic Persistence. That's it :)

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You can also cancel it by clicking on the default user frames too, I think. But yes, I agree that all this is really poor design from blizzard. They should have made it more user friendly for players to control cloudburst totem. 

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