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[US - Area 52][H] <Pessimistic> LFM (DPS & Healers) for MWF 10:00p-1:30a eastern Heroic Progression

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<Pessimistic>, a fun and easygoing late evening raiding guild, is looking for more to clean up Heroic and move into Mythic progression!!


We raid Mon, Wed, and Fri from 10pm to 1:30am Eastern Time!


We're all fun and loving players, who are looking to establish a solid 20 player group, with possible back up raiders in case life happens. We take content seriously while respecting each other.


We ask that you are present for a majority of our raids, and that you learn from mistakes when they are made (even if they aren't your own!). Please know your class, and ensure you are enchanted/gemmed/etc.


We ask a minimum ilvl of 645, but if you're 640, we will consider you as well, as we continue to clear Normal weekly.


We are currently in need of DPS players; and 2 specific DPS roles - 


All positions please have 645 ilvl (640 will be considered) - All applicants will be interviewed and checked over by guild leaders; these are brief, but necessary to ensure a good fit!


DPS - Windwalker Monk with a Brewmaster OS - 

DPS - Shadow Priest with a Disc OS - 


DPS - Rogue Subtlety / Combat

DPS - Druid Balance

DPS - Paladin Ret

DPS - Warlock Affliction

DPS - Mage Arcane

DPS - Warrior Fury

DPS - Hunter Survival

DPS - Shaman Enhance

DPS - Warlock Demonology


Whisper Arichikuruku or Jujusmash on Area 52 to setup an interview in game with our guild leadership, or respond here on the forums and we will funnel the information up!


We use Mumble for all raids; quick to download and generally easy to set up. 


We have no problem helping individuals, and we are all about having a good time while raiding and clearing content!


If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message me here, or add Rommet#1196, or make a toon on Area 52 and bug Jujusmash.


Thank you for your interest!

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