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disenchant Ragnaros?

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I'm pretty much a noob at this game, I had a golden deathwing and disenchanted it to build a proper meta druid deck, which is now out of date anyhow and im stuck with a bunch of ancients and molten and sea giants. Anyways, now Im basically broke and I dont see much use in this card. on the other hand I see a lot of people playing it. Is it good or not then? and which cards should I propritise in enchanting? I play priest, druid and paladin.

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It's not particularly good right now because almost every deck is carrying at least one BGH to deal with huge targets like Rag. However, it's worth keeping because once the meta shifts and people drop the BGH, Rag can start to dominate again.

First and foremost, if you don't have Dr. Boom, you should 100% craft that.

For Priest, the important cards are: Auchenai Soulpriest, Sylvanas, Vol'jin, Cabal Shadow Priest, Shadow Madness

For Druid, Ancient of Lore, Ancient of War, Force of Nature

Paladin, Muster for Battle, Quartermaster, Coghammer, Tirion.

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