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Fury DPS help

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I'm having a bit of trouble with my fury spec, see I was a tank for my guild, and still do tank sometimes when one of our two bears is away, but now that I'm playing fury more often I feel like im not doing enough damage given my gear, so I thought I'd try posting here for help!


Here's my armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/wildhammer/Vespasian/simple


(Recently upgraded from the 670 and 675 2-handers to the swords from Gruul)


I follow the Icy Veins priority generally for dps, but don't use any priority addons or anything.


Here's some logs links (AMR since I don't know how to work warcraftlogs):


Kromog HC prog (and a kill! smile.png) http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/combatlog/2d96cd80-9b1c-40e1-be09-11ee82382b30/report/10#v=0,d=0


Gruul HC http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/combatlog/babe8195-3291-443e-95da-06710708b145/report/2#v=0,d=0


I feel like my damage on kromog was a bit inflated since I'm assigned to cheesing the hands with a charge+bladestorm, and for me the problem is that I think I should be doing more than 29k on Gruul, but am unsure how accurate a thought that is!


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Thanks, I'll try to do that.


When you say I'm about on par, is 29k single target really it for warriors? I thought it would be higher? Or is it one of those things that comes with better gear?

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Heya fella,

I've been gone for a little bit so sorry for the late reply.


For starters I'd like to point out that if you're looking for assistance, being able to provide logs on warcraftlogs.com will go a long way as they are incredibly detailed.

Askmrrobot is fine for a quick overview but it's very limiting if you're looking to analyze it hunting for a problem.

So that said everything I post from this point on is an educated guess and could be completely wrong.



I wouldn't worry too much about your dps at this point because it seems fine at first glance.

You are currently experiencing what a lot of warriors go through :P doing less damage than other classes with the same (or worse) gear.

Warriors are stupidly gear dependent which is probably the reason why you feel you're doing mediocre damage even though you probably aren't.

The only 'problems' I see are very minor and won't amount to any noticable dps increase at all.

Most of it will come down to getting 4 pieces of tier and getting rid of that awful versatility gear.


As for things that leave room for improvement I'd say play with Dragon's Roar instead of shockwave on AoE fights (like Operator & Beastlord).

There is literally no reason to spec shockwave unless your tank whines like a little bitch if you use roar. (Which is probably what's happening :D)

Other than that try rolling with bladestorm on Flamebender. (use it as your opener and then save it for the wolves).

Also on AoE fights try playing with Glyph of Raging Wind which should give you a very very minor dps boost as well.


There's not much I can say tbh... It's mostly down to gear I feel like.

But it's wednesday so more time to get more gear and try to get some warcraftlogs.com logs going ;)

Those will allow me to go over your raid in greater detail and might help pinpoint an issue that is invisible on askmrrobot.

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Thanks for your help, I shall try dropping shockwave, I'd taken it for the CC mostly, but our tanks aren't dying like they used to :). Will also look to dropping the versatility, I knew it was bad but not how bad!


Sadly I won't be raiding for a little while now, exams have me a little snowed under, I did manage to find the AMR backups and stick them on warcraft logs though, link to the most recent log below, others also visible:



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